23. New Years Kisses

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"I will be watching you." Gallagher hissed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a baby, Gallagher. I don't need to be supervised." I huffed, folding my arms across my chest as I sat on my bed. We flew back early from France so we could attend the annual New Years party at Taboo.

My brother was set on banning me from the place, says that lately I've been experimenting with reckless behavior, and he's only trying to look out for me.

But I reminded him, I'm a grown woman in Uni now, and if I wanted to go to a club to drink, party, and snog random fit blokes, I could very well do so, and there isn't a damn thing he could do about it. If I want to party with the masses, then I very well will do just that.

He snorted. "You actions suggest otherwise. Remember, Teagan, I am letting you come to this party. I could very well have you escorted out if I so snap my fingers." and just for emphasis (and to be a little shit), he snapped his fingers in my face and smirked triumphantly when I winced slightly.

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Whatever,"

He flicked my arm and then grew serious. His eyes widened the pure blue hue sparkling as he pursed his lips and frowned. "Why wont you say what's wrong with you?" he asked quietly.

"Because I don't want to tell you."

"But its not just me! You wont take to Mum or Dad, or Gran or Paps- no one. I even asked Delilah-" he began.

"Why'd you ask her?" I frowned. Delilah very well knew what was going on, but I knew she wouldn't tell my brother. Why he would go to her of all people is what confuses me.

Gallagher's face flushed and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, she- never mind that, the point is, no one knows. I'm going out of my mind her, Teags. I'm reading psychology books and looking at symptoms online for disorders, and asking my mates for advice...no one knows what to do." he looked so frustrated and helpless, and for the first time in a very long time, he looked scared.

"Are you- is the," he stuttered. "Are the nightmares coming back? Do you see him again?"

My eyes widened and I instantly stood. I knew what he was referring to, and felt the familiar terror fill within me. "No! No, I'm fine." I tried to assure him.

Gallagher still looked skeptical, but nodded and even forced a smile on his face. "Okay then. I'm gonna go to football practice now. I'll see you tonight, okay?"

I nodded with a forced smile of my own and hugged him.


I hadn't want to leave home, but knew I had to as the whole football team is expected to show. I also had to show up to football practice ow else Coach will be up my arse about being an irresponsible captain.

At the moment, I was in the locker room with my mates, changing into my warm up clothes and waiting for practice to start. Gallagher stormed in, his face obviously jaded with exhaustion. He huffed as he sat on the bench next to me.

I frowned at him and turned. "You're late."

"I was with Teagan," he sighed. "Didn't want to leave her alone so soon, ya know?"

I raised an eyebrow at him to stop the progressing worried look on my face. "Oh? And is she... is she- has she gotten better?"

He whistled lowly and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "No, Louis, not at all. She doesn't want to talk, not to any one but some bloke named Adam. Who's Adam, Louis? No one knows. Not Delilah-"

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