7. Stressed

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"Are you even listening to me?" I asked Costa as she drooled over something behind me with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

She nodded slowly, not taking her eyes off of the thing that was behind me. "Uh huh..."

"Okay then," I raised an eyebrow at her. "My brother and I are forming a cult. You have to sacrifice two lambs and a child to join it. Preferably, all male." I said.

"That's great..." she droned on, not listening to me at all.

"Listen," I snapped my fingers in front of her face, snapping her back to reality. Harley snickered from beside her and Costa groaned, barring her teeth.

"What?" she hissed.

"Will you just do my makeup, or not?" I asked.

"Not." Costa spat lowly before returning her eyesight to whatever she was looking at before and an alarming look worked its way onto her face. "Oh shit...." she whispered.

"What?" I asked right before a textbook slammed on the table we sat at, gaining mine and my roommates' attention. I looked up, seeing Eleanor standing at the head of our table with two friends behind her. One on both sides.

"I know who you are." she spoke to me. The way she said it, sweetly, it chilled me to the bone. She had a sickeningly sweet smile on her face to add to her scariness, but the way she gripped at the textbook that she slammed on the table, told me that there was nothing sweet about this visit.

"Um..." I stuttered, stupidly with a confused look on my face. She knows who I am?

"And I know you don't want Louis to know you're Gallagher Wayne's little sister." she smirked.

The light bulb in my brain went on, and I realized what she was talking about. It took me about another second to realize that this little meeting between us, most likely wont end well.

"How'd you know I'm his sister?" I asked. There was no sense in denying it, what good would that do me? She clearly had it figured out and she is clearly smarter than she looks or acts for that matter.

She snorted. "Please, I knew I've seen you before that time at Tesco's, so I tried really hard to think about when. Then, later Lou and I went to a little get together at your brother's dorm room, where I saw a picture of you and him at summer camp a few years ago- cute pigtails by the way- and it didn't take a genius to figure out why you lied about me knowing you."

Costa let out a low whistle. "Damn you should go on CSI: Miami or something, that's some handy detective work." she said.

Eleanor nodded proudly, probably not noticing the snarky tone laced in my ginger friend's voice. In fact, I know she didn't notice the snarky undertone.

"So what do you want?" I asked Eleanor.

She paused, blinking blankly for a few moments- thinking. Did she just come here to rub it in my face that she figured it out and that's all?

"Well, uh," she looked to her friends for help. One shrugged helplessly while the other one whispered in Eleanor's ear before glaring at me and my friends. Eleanor turned back to me with her sickeningly sweet smile and clenched teeth. "I want you to stay away from him," she said. "He's mine."

"He isn't property." Costa said.

"No, but he is dating me, and as long as Teagan Wayne stays away, it will stay that way." she said to Costa before glaring at me. "So stay away." she said before leaving with her minions.

"That was freakishly nice," Costa spat. "And bitchy."

"Yeah." Harley and I agreed.

"On the bright side, I changed my mind about doing your makeup for the photo shoot!" Costa tried to cheer me up. I smiled at her attempt. "For a small fee, of course."

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