24. Black Lace

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"Civil action."

"Any lawsuit relating to civil matters and not criminal prosecution." Louis recited, smiling triumphantly when he got it right. "Your turn. What's block scheduling?"

"Uh, block scheduling is... it's um, class periods that lasts an hour or more so that teachers can accomplish more during a class session?" I ended the statement in a question, not one hundred percent positive of my answer.

But Louis grinned, and closed my textbook he held in his hands, standing up so he could peck me on the lips twice before taking the index cards he made of legal terms from my hands and tossing them aside. "That's correct." he said.

We were testing each other for the giant midterm exams that were suppose to take place in one week's time. Louis was convinced he didn't know anything, but I strongly begged to differ as he successfully answered every question without any hesitation. I, on the other hand, was doing slightly above mediocre, and couldn't afford to waste a single second of study time.

Yet, it was difficult for me to do so when Louis was always sat two feet away, and looks so handsome with his light stumble and bright eyes, the bags from days of lost sleep were slowly wearing away and he was beginning to laugh again, loudly and without any reservation.

I pulled him closer to me, my arms wrapping around his neck to hold his body closer to mine in a hug as his lips worked against mine. He lightly nudged me so I could lay back on his bed, and he'd hover over me, resting his body weight on his elbows that were on either side of my face.

With my head down on his pillow and fingers working through his incredibly soft hair, a quiet sigh escaped my lips because in that moment, as his lips trailed butterfly kisses from my neck to my jaw, I was content.

His fingers trailed down to the waistband of my jeans, digits tugging slightly on the belt loops as he looked up at me from permission. I chewed on my bottom lip and looked to my side, staring at the distant wall of Louis' room.

"Teagan," he whispered, moving so he was in my line of vision. He looked sad, disappointed even. "we don't have to, if you're not ready."

"But that's the thing, Louis, I am. And having sex with you right now is what I want, but I don't think I can do it if there isn't a level of commitment between us." I admitted. After the New Years party, we danced around the idea of labeling our relationship because it was something we weren't quite ready for yet. We had just gotten back together, after a month or so of being apart, we couldn't just pick up where we left off.

Because yes, we were at a very sexual stage in our relationship when he dumped me. The on going struggle of sexual frustration constantly on both of our minds, but I was always trying to find the right moment and he was always a little too considerate of my virgin status to want to go that far.

He nodded, understanding my need for some kind of clarity. What we're doing now was fun enough, kissing, hugging, muttering I love you whenever the moment seemed right, but at this point, he was free. He could always go find and hook up with some other random girl he meets at a bar without any guilt because he isn't fully committed to me. He isn't mine. But I was very much so, his.

"I don't think we should commit to anything until we tell your brother about us." he sighed, rolling off of me so he could lay beside me on the bed.

I sighed. I'm not stupid, I knew this conversation was going to come sooner or later, I just counted on it being later, further down the road. "I'm scared, Louis. I don't know what he'd do to you if he found out."

"I'll be fine." he said, but his wavering tone and worried eyes suggested otherwise. We both knew how mad Gallagher could get, and how possessive he was of me. Telling him about our relationship- whatever it was- could potentially be the end of his and Lou's friendship, and our bother/sister bond, and maybe even the taped together puzzle that was mine and Louis' romance.

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