17. Purple Ballons

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It was like, ever since my confession to Louis, he's done everything in his power to make sure I was comfortable with my being a virgin and all. And at first it was nice, having him dote over me and feel extra cautious, but lately it's been nothing but an annoyance.

For instance, we'd be in his bedroom, snogging. A hot make out session that tends to get a little grabby and touchy feely. Though suddenly, Louis would pull away and he'd say, "I don't want to pressure you into doing something you aren't ready for."

At first this was sweet, it meant he was understanding but now, I dread this sentence. And it's always the same one repeated day after day. It's left me with nothing but pent up frustration.

Sexual and mental.

So I decided to teach him how it feels to be frustrated.

I'm going to make him want me so much, he'd beg for me to put him out of his misery for a shag.

And to accomplish this, I couldn't be my regular, straight edge, good girl self- no. So I had to go to the most open, vulgar, racy person I know for the kind of intelligence to pull this self appointed mission off.

And that person was my roommate, Costa.

In true Costa fashion, she was very excited about my asking her for help in this plot to semi- destroy my man and she wanted a big part in it. But, she wanted to make this theatrical. My asking her had to be as memorable as hotel room fiasco of 21 Jump Street, and so she had me wait in my bedroom for fifteen minutes until she sent Harley to come fetch me and escort me to her bedroom door.

There, Delilah stood with her hair pulled up in a ballerina bun and dressed in all black. Her jaw was set firmly and her stance had a certain 'Don't fuck with me' aura about her, which chocked me up with laughter.

"Miss Costa will see you now." she said seriously before opening the door for me to enter the dark bedroom. Harley and Delilah both stood behind me silently as Costa turned around in her big black leather desk chair and put her elbows on her desk in front of her.

With a flick of her wrist, she told the others to leave, and they did with a nod and shut the door behind them.

This whole time, the laughter bubbling inside me fought to escape.

"Please, sit." she gestured to the red chair across from her on the other side of her desk that was shaped like lips.

I did as she said, sitting and looking at her patiently as she twisted her non existent mustache and hummed quietly.

"So you come to me, on the day of my daughter's wedding-"

"You don't have a daughter." I interrupted.

She slammed her hand down on the desk that separated us and cursed loudly. "Dammit Teagan!" she screamed. "You couldn't just go with it? Huh? Had to ruin it for me? You've completely sucked all the fun out of this whole exchange, you- you little... fun sucker."

That did it. I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore and Costa tapped her fingers on her desk impatiently as I tried to gather myself, but I couldn't. It took me about five to ten minutes of non stop, continuous laughter before my side started to hurt from laughing and I was forced to stop.

"Are you done?" she asked. I nodded, indicating for her to go on with it. "I don't even want to help you anymore."

"What?" I sputtered, standing up in disbelief.

She shrugged. "You're on your own." she said. "Should've thought of that before you sucked the fun out of it."

I was now on my own.

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