16. An Angel

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As if waking up with a hangover wasn't hard enough, I was also rewarded with a heavy stomach and sour taste in my mouth. The sun was a little too bright for my eyes to handle, and my pillow smelled like little woodland animals came in and took a shit all over it.

To add insult to injury, I was sweating profusely and the stains probably will never come out of this brand new shirt. My sister bought me this shirt, and I hope I'll never have to explain why I'll never wear it again.

Because then, Lottie will get pissed. And no one wins when Lottie is pissed.

Never mind that, I have a criminal justice test to study for, and I hadn't even begun. The test was tomorrow at eleven, and still my textbook remained closed and my highlighter was at the other side of my room, on the windowsill.

With a heavy sigh and loads of strength, I heaved myself up and stumbled into the bathroom Harry and I are to share this year. I brushed my teeth, gargled some mouth washed and splashed some warm water on my face before hunching over the sink, gagging.

I groaned once it was over and slowly shook my head of the nausea. I nearly drank myself into oblivion last night like some poor sod only because I witnessed my girlfriend out with friends, looking beautiful, and having a good time. I drank too much because I saw what she hadn't intended for me to see. That she'd have a much better time going out with her roommates than she would going on a date with me.

I couldn't blame her. I guess my endless talk of Uni and babbling about my mates on the football team finally got to her. Or maybe it was the fact that I always talked about my family, and never let her speak of hers. Come to think of it, I don't know much of Teagan.

Maybe to her, we weren't as serious as I thought.

But that couldn't be it. She was clearly my girlfriend, we made that part clear. She was M'lady, and I was her man- as she liked to call me.

I wanted to go over there, to talk to her and to hold her. To kiss her and demand she goes on a date with me tonight. She wouldn't say no because I wouldn't let her and I'd take her on the date we were meant to go on last night and she'd feel sorry for cancelling on me and I'd assure her that it's fine now because we finally went out, and we finally made the memory I'd been yearning to make.

And I'd fall for her just a little more.

I wasn't in love with Teagan, not yet, but I could feel myself dangerously slipping.

There was a knock at the door and I debated whether or not I was going to go answer it. Maybe it was just Haz, and he was coming home from his drunken fling and couldn't remember his keys.

If that was the case, I'm not answering the door.

But as I slugged myself towards the door, I realized it couldn't be Harry. Because if it was Harry, he'd be yelling various colorful curses at me by now. It had to be someone else. I wasn't in the mood for company, I just wanted to lay in my bed and pretend to study my textbook.

"Lou!" I heard her airy voice float through the door. She sounded a little worried and as I looked through the peephole, I saw her face contorted with nerves and a furrowed brow. Her lips were set in that pout I absolutely adored and her hair was up in a bun, showing off her beautiful face.

It was in an instant that I unlocked the door and opened it for her, getting a look at M'lady. She was wearing what she liked to call her 'Lazy Day' outfit, leggings, giant sweater, and boots. Her face was bare and void of all makeup which made me realize this is the first time I've seen her without a trace of product on.

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