8. Halloween

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I paced back and forth between my dorm room door and hers, occasionally stopping and looking up to see if she'd come out.

Of course she had to know I was out here waiting, for her to come out.

I brought my fist up to the door, sighing and mentally pushing myself to knock. "You can do it Lou, just knock." I instructed myself.

No, I haven't knocked on her door before. All the times we've hung out, she stumbled upon me waiting for her, so no real effort went into me sitting by her door, but to knock on it was another story.

She could be busy.

She could be sleeping.

She could be pissing in her toilet, and not be able to hear me, leaving me standing here like an idiot.

Oh God.

"Just knock on the damn door, Louis." Costa's voice shouted from the other side. She knew I was here. She saw me pacing back and forth between my door and her's when she got back from class. She invited me in, but I declined. I wanted to knock. I just, didn't have the courage. So she sat on the other side of the door, with her other two roommates, staring at the front door and waiting for me to knock.

I could hear them whispering and giggling to each other. Teagan didn't know I was out here.

"I'm trying," I hissed back.

That set off their laughter.

"What are you guys doing?" Teagan's soft voice floated through the door as she inquired to her roommates.

"Oh, nothing, just watching TV." Costa replied nicely.

I scoffed quietly, rolling my eyes.

"You're sitting in front of the door," Teagan observed.

"What's your point?" another roommate asked her.

"Well, the TV is behind you." she quipped. I could tell by her tone, she was probably raising an eyebrow at her roommates suspiciously. "You know what, whatever you're doing, don't tell me about it. I'd rather not know."

I smiled, butterflies filling my stomach as I heard her footsteps patter away and another door within the dorm room, close.

"You hear that, Louis?" Costa called to me.

I laughed. "Yeah,"

The front door opened, wiping the smile off of my face as it revealed Teagan, standing with a smug smirk on her face. "You are so busted," she teased.

My mouth parted slightly before I looked over her shoulder, at Costa and the other two roommates. "Guys," I whined. "I thought you were on my side,"

They all shrugged, not feeling very sorry for this embarrassing moment. I looked back to Teagan, who's face softened. "Why couldn't you just knock, Louis? I mean, we're friends, right?"

My stomach dropped at that word. Friends. I knew, since I had a girlfriend, that I shouldn't feel disappointed. But I did.

"R-right." I agreed. "I just, uh," this wasn't good. I was stuttering now. "Are you coming to our party tonight?" I spat out.

She looked slightly surprised. "No, I don't think so," she started to look uncomfortable. "I don't really go to parties."

"But we do!" one of her roommates called from behind her.

Teagan rolled her eyes.

"And she'll go if we do," another one said.

"Yeah, I'll make her." Costa added, slinging an arm around the blonde.

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