11. Bengal Tiger

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It was Costa's turn to pick what the four of us would do together this weekend. Naturally, I expected something crazy and wild. Dress up as clowns and scare people, commit grand theft auto, have a massive dorm- wide orgy, something along those lines.

Never have I ever imagined in my wildest dreams that Costa's plan for a good day was to sit around the place in animal onesies, constructing and racing paper airplanes while watching Disney classics.


I was currently dressed as a Bengal tiger because Bengal tigers are- and I quote, "Awesome, misunderstood, and ginger" just like Costa.

I'm not complaining (though I am) I could've fared much worse.

Poor Harley got stuck with the old Cheshire Cat onesie because she was too small to fit anything else and Costa has worn that particular onesie since she was twelve, for Halloween and then again when she was fourteen for her school's production of Alice and Wonderland.

Delilah was a flying squirrel (don't ask why) and Costa, the ginger herself was dressed as a lemur and I feared that if anyone was to see us right now, sitting around the floor of the living room, flying paper planes, I would never live it down.

And just as I thought that, that was the precise moment my brother decided to pay me a visit and just walked straight into the place like he owned it.

He paused once getting a look at us all.

Gallagher blinked.

Then I blinked.

Then he blinked again.

And I blinked twice just to break the back and forth.

He slowly took steps backwards. Slowly and silently as if we weren't watching him already and back out the door, shutting it as if nothing happened.

I decided not to a make a move to go check on him in case he was already gone. That way, I could at least try to convince him that it wasn't what it looked like (though it was exactly what it looked like.) That or, you know, hypnotize him into forgetting he ever saw anything.

The latter sounded like the safer and more effective option.

But he came back. This time with Niall and Niall's camera.

And before I could even scream and hide behind the couch for cover, I knew there was probably already twenty pictures taken on that thing.

The pair was laughing, clutching their stomachs and wiping tears from their eyes unaware of the four angry girls, glaring daggers their way until Costa cleared her throat.

The laughter died immediately.

"Niall Horan, you have a ten second running head start." she warned. "One..."

And Niall was gone as fast as he came. Costa didn't even count to two because she knew he wouldn't come back for awhile, not if he suspected her to be angry. Genius of him.

Gallagher looked at us all warily before locking his eyes with me. "Uh Teags, you know I love you, right?"

"I know." I shrugged.

"And as your older brother it is my job to piss you off." he continued.

I nodded once. "Right."

"Good." he laughed shakily before looking to my friends and then back to me frantically. The girls were gaining on him, cornering him if you will. He was toast. "Will you please call your friends off?"

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