19. Football Match

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I giggled as I stared across the table at Louis after he took a sip from his mug. He had whipped cream on his upper lip, and he hadn't the slightest idea. He looked up at me with his blue eyes that reminded me of ice and winter. They were wide, slightly dazed as if my laugh snapped him out of some haze.

"What?" he asked, confused.

I giggled even harder, gesturing towards my own upper lip. "You have a little," I said.

He smiled nervously and chuckled, taking a napkin from the dispenser on the table and wiping his face clean. "Man, that's embarrassing." he commented.

"What's go you dazed, Tomlinson?" I asked casually, bringing my own mug up to my lips so I could sip and drink some of the delicious warm chocolaty drink, minus the whipped cream, and with extra marshmallows.

"What makes you think I'm in a daze?" he countered, his trademark smug smirk appearing on his face. He sat forwards a little in his chair, leaning his arms against the table in a challenging manner as he narrowed his beautiful eyes at me.

I tapped my baby pink painted finger nails against the table in a rhythmic manner, I believe I was trying to convey, Don't Drop That Thun Thun, and judging by the subtle raise of Louis' left eyebrow, he noticed but I didn't care because this is Louis we're talking about, and he enjoys whistling We're All In This Together whenever he thinks I'm not listening.

"Well, your eyes are glossy, your chin in set, your hands are clenched into fists, and you've been nervously tapping your foot on the marble floor since we've arrived. So, call me crazy, but I think there's something wrong." I concluded, sitting back in my chair and folding my arms across my chest with a smug smirk of my own. "So tell me, babe, what's on your mind?"

He sighed defeated. "It's this match against Cambridge. They've been undefeated this year, not a single university has beat them yet." he sighed. "And I'm suppose to lead my team against them. I don't know if I'm ready."

"Lou, I believe that we're also undefeated so far this year, correct?" I asked, and he nodded. "And you were also undefeated last year for the entire season! That includes, against Cambridge. I think, you'll be great."

"Well, I have to be! My mum, dad, and sisters are all coming to cheer me on." he smiled lightly.

"Your dad's coming too?" I squeaked, unable to keep the nerves from tainting my voice. I was more nervous than before. Louis told me how his mother could be easily swayed by me. He's told her so much about me that she's expecting for me to be great. "And you will be great," he told me. And his sisters, especially Lottie, were all excited to meet their older brother's girlfriend.

But his father, he never spoke about him. Just that he's the reason Louis is a law major. I didn't expect for him to come to the game. Louis always mentioned how busy with work he was to ever come to his games.

He nodded. "That's what Mum said. He and Mickey are expected to show up towards the second half of the game."

"Wait, who's Mickey?"

He took another sip of his hot chocolate and smacked his lips together in content before hesitating. "My brother."

"You have a brother!?" I exclaimed, utterly surprised by this news. He had withheld this information from me, always speaking of his mother and sisters fondly, yet he rarely spoke of his father, and neglected to mention his brother.

I suppose I'm being a hypocrite. I haven't told him of Gallagher, but I couldn't hide my shock. I guess it's nothing compared to what he'd feel if I was to tell him about my brother being his best mate.

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