18. So Close

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I've been avoiding my brother since the photo shoot two days ago. He's been hounding me over the little thing Niall said about phone sex, that damned leprechaun, anxious to find out who the bloke I was shagging's name.

I didn't want to lie to him any more than I already had, but I didn't have a choice, seeing as though he wouldn't be happy about my seeing Louis- he really wouldn't be glad to hear about my wanting to shag him.

He'd stop by after football practice and one of my roommates would have to shoo him away. He'd call me while I was with Louis- constantly and without any shame,it had began to get annoying.

I couldn't share with Louis the predicament I was in, so every time my brother would call, I'd have to hide it from him. It got harder every time because after awhile he'd get curious and try to peak at my phone, to which I'd have to quickly shield it from his eyes.

He was getting suspicious of me, even joked about me possibly seeing another guy. I could see some worry in his eyes as he tried to laugh it off, but I tried to reassure him. There was no one else I wanted but Louis, and I couldn't see myself with anyone but him.

Louis was kind, funny, smug and a little arrogant- but I liked that about him, and he was mine and I couldn't give that up. And I made sure he knew that.

We kissed all night, eventually moving to the bedroom because Harry had come home with a girl of his own. Luckily, he hadn't seen me, but I wasn't sure how long that would be kept up.

He laid me down on his bed, kissing me all over, ridding me of my clothes- almost all of them, and pulling my body into his. I realized that I was ready for him, and I wanted him but I couldn't give myself to him right now, as that wouldn't feel right.

My first time had to be special not random and whimsical, we'd just have to know that we were ready for each other.

Louis understood this, he got this completely and we ended up sleeping, just spending the night together, cuddled in his small bed. My back to his front and his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder and my body completely engulfed in warmth because of his body on mine.

The next morning, I woke in an otherwise empty bed feeling colder than ever with a pout on my face. I didn't think he'd just left because that just wasn't Louis' style but I couldn't help the sinking feeling of my stomach to see he was gone.

I looked at the alarm clock that was on his bedside table. It read half past nine. He couldn't be at class, it's a Saturday morning, he must be at football practice. I stood up from the bed, stretching and only becoming suddenly aware that I was still in only my bra and underwear. I giggled shortly, reaching for my disregarded clothes when a note addressed to me, caught my eye.

I picked it up from his dresser and began to read it. It was from Louis, of course, apologizing for having to leave without any warning. He said to feel free and make myself at home, he's made breakfast for me in the kitchen, and he should be back- alone- around two.

Giggling, I put the note down on the bed and put on one of Louis' t shirts. There was an important football game coming up and he needed to "get in shape" or else "Coach would be up his arse like a wedgie," his words, not mine. He invited me to attend it tomorrow, sit front row with his parents and sisters, and cheer him on. I couldn't possibly say no, he was too excited about my meeting his family, I didn't want to burst his bubble.

I walked out to the kitchen of his dorm for the food he'd made for me, but I paused completely horrified as I saw Harry was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating the food that was meant for me.

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