30. Venetian Gelato

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"Louis, stop it." she giggled, swatting at my hands that tickled her stomach. She was highly ticklish, which made it all the more fun to tease her. Teagan practically had tears streaming down her face from how hard she laughed, and I could tell by the way her face flushed that she was beginning to be in pain by how hard she laughed.

"Not a chance." I replied, narrowly dodging her clenched fist that she may or may not have intentionally flung out at me in reflex. She was kicking her feet now, and rolling from side to side to try to avoid my fingers.

She gasped for air as she pleaded with me. "Please, babe." she struggled to catch her breath, and I figured it was enough, stopping my pleasurable torture and giving her some space.

We were currently lying down in my bed, our books and clothes tossed aside from earlier as I initially agreed to help Teagan study for her exams that were to take place tomorrow afternoon, if she could help me work Microsoft PowerPoint for an in class presentation.

I couldn't exactly place the precise moment where the dynamic switched from hardcore studying, to heated shagging, it was really just a blur at this point.

But as I laid down with the blonde beauty in my arms, I didn't exactly care.

It was only our second time having sex, and I knew very well that it still hurt for her since our first time making love just two weeks prior to today. I could tell she was in a bit of pain, not yet used to my size, and I wanted to make her feel better.

Initially, I thought that I could make her feel better by.... making her feel better, but the thought seemed stupid to me as her lady bits was the source of her pain, and I doubt she would want anything else down there. Whether it was my fingers, my member, or my tongue.

So I settled with tickling, and it looks to me that it worked.

"We should get back to studying, shouldn't we?" I asked her, fearing her agreement.

She hummed lightly, turning around in my grasp so we were now chest to chest. She let her fingers trail through my hair a bit before dropping her hands to my biceps, my muscles instinctively flexing underneath her touch.

"I think we should watch a movie." she said.

I grinned. A movie sounded like a much better way to spend the remainder of this evening. After all, Teagan did know most of the material she needed to know, only because she's been studying for these exams for three days now, and I could always Google how to make a Microsoft Powerpoint, it surely couldn't be that hard.

"I just got This Is the End on DVD." I offered.

She grinned, her eyebrows lifting slightly. "Is that the James Franco movie?"

I nodded, knowing where she was going with this.

"Count me in." she said.

"Never took you for a James Franco fan." I mocked her.

She scoffed, her face displaying hurt. "Excuse me, I'm more of a Dave Franco girl myself, but James is pretty attractive too."

"Is that so?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I'd totally do him." Seeing the lift in my eyebrows, Teagan smiled shyly. "Too much?"

"Just a little." I replied. Although it didn't bother me what she said, I'd rather not talk about blokes my girlfriend would, 'Totally do' while laying naked with her after sex.

She laughed, pulling me in for a kiss, her lips moving firmly against mine. Teagan moaned, the sound sending vibrations throughout my body and tingles in the pit of my stomach. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, legs moving to settle on both sides of my waist as she flipped us over so she hovered above me, her hair falling around us to create a curtain framing our faces.

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