14. M'Lady at Brunch

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"Hello m'lady." I whispered in her ear from behind.

She gasped, jumping slightly in surprise before settling back down and groaning playfully. "Don't do that again." she warned.

"Or what?" I challenged, sitting down in the chair that was next to hers and setting my backpack on the oak table in front of me.

Teagan raised one of her perfectly arched eyebrows and squinted her eyes in amusement and curiosity. Her head tipped to the side a little making her blonde hair almost touch her waist and her lips stuck in a pout that I found very adorable. "Do it again and find out, Tomlinson." she said.

I grinned, leaning in closer. "Mm, I just might." I whispered.

"Okay, if you two are going to be in a relationship now, I strongly suggest keeping all PDA and sexually frustrated moments to a minimum in public otherwise I will be forced to barf on some stranger's shoes." Costa grunted from across the table, her face twisting in disguist.

Teagan rolled her eyes. "Oh look, Lou. The girl who majors in all thing sex and talks freely about her sex life gets queasy when it comes to relationships." she teased.

I chuckled watching as the ginger girl squirmed in her seat.

"Why is that?" I inquired. "I thought you and Niall were-"

"Were what?" she asked. "Dating? Please," she snorted. "we've only shagged a few times, maybe even went down on each other twice but that's it!"

Teagan gagged. "Ew," she choked.

"I want nothing more from him and neither does he with I." Costa continued. "I don't do so well with relationships, they're not my thing." she stated and that was that. End of conversation. Not that I cared to press on about the issue.

I put an arm on the back of Teagan's chair, scooting it so she could be a little closer to me. "Let me take you out tonight." I said.

She batted her long eyelashes and shrugged. "No."

I was so surprised, I kept talking as if she said yes. "I was thinking dinner at La Cuisine then maybe a- wait, what did you just say?"

"I said no, Lou. I have to catch up on all my homework tonight, plus study for a test that's to take place tomorrow morning. I really don't have the time right now." she said.


Way to go, genius. Of course she has work to complete. What was I thinking?

"But I'm free for, say brunch?" she asked, smirking as she watched my internal shaming. She found it amusing, I could tell and sure I may have looked conflicted on the outside, but my stomach did drop to my butt when she declined my invitation.

I grinned. "Brunch is great. Say, ten o'clock? We can go to that little diner in the center of town." I proposed.

She nodded, looking up at me as I stood and collected my things. "That's perfect." she confirmed and puckered her lips as I leaned down for a kiss goodbye before turning to leave the library and m'lady to study.

I hadn't noticed I was grinning until I walked into someone, knocking them down to the grown. I felt the muscles of my face tighten and form a frown on my face as I looked down to the poor girl who landed on her arse as a result of my happiness.


She looked up at me under her long eyelashes. Her brown eyes wide and helpless, lost and sad. I felt guilty that I may have been the cause for that.

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