36. Bye Bye

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Fifteen boxes, three suitcases, two duffle bags, and a hat box later- I was all packed and ready to leave as today all students were meant to evacuate the dorms. I hadn't thought I had so much stuff, I didn't go shopping as much as I wanted to, so my new inventory was at a low, but I realized all of this shit was things I had before Uni.

I couldn't help but grin as I looked around my fully packed room though because it was a reminder that I did it. I successfully made it through my first year of Uni. I didn't make it through it unscathed, as I think back to all of the experiences, I get a bit of a headache.

There was a light knock at my door, humming for whoever it was to come in. It was Costa, and she held a plate full of chicken nuggets and two beers in her hands. She kicked the door shut behind her and took a seat beside me on my bed with an agitated huff, she made herself at home.

I grinned at her. "Don't you think it's a bit early?" I nodded towards the beer with a raised eyebrow.

"It's five pm somewhere," she replied gruffly as she opened up her own bottle and quickly took a swig from it. I could tell she was angered over something, or even a little sad as the plate of chicken nuggets that sat between us was a dead give away.

As bad ass and hard to read Costa likes to think of herself as, she really is predictable. Whenever she's not even remotely happy or content, chicken nuggets, beer, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream were her way of coping and although I never complained, (because typically, she liked to share her food when she was in such a way) I couldn't help but feel slightly exasperated that on our last day of Uni, she could feel this way.

"What is it? Sad you're not gonna see me for the next three months?" I joked, cooing at her and reaching to pinch her cheek.

She hissed and jumped forwards to bite my fingers before I could even make contact, baring her teeth with a snarl. "No, I'm quite glad I wont have any form of human interaction for three months, it's just what I need."

"Cause that could be healthy," I snickered.

"It's Niall." she said.

I rolled my eyes, picking up a chicken nugget and taking a bite out of it. "Of course it is,"

"We ran in to each other out in the hall- more like, I pushed him-"

"Naturally," I nodded her on.

"But when he saw me, he just laughed. He looked shocked for a second, but that could be due to the fact that I tried to bulldoze him over with my suitcase, and when it finally registered to him that it was me, he laughed." she uttered, looking down at her hands, and letting her hair fall into her face. "It took everything in me not to castrate him right then and there- I," Costa gulped. "I kinda just sobbed and ran away like a little pansy ass."

I scoffed. "There's nothing wrong with sobbing!"

"For me, there is, Teagan. I don't sob. It's not in my nature. I eat so I won't cry, and if I feel the urge coming on, then I eat some more and throw back a few pints, but never cry. Crying is for the weak." she said seriously. She looked deadly in the way her eyes turned almost black and her posture was tense, like she was ready to pounce at any second.

I took a moment to let her words hang in the air, hoping that if I did- what she said would register with her, and she'd realize how crazy she sounded just then. She didn't. So with a sigh, I said, "Costa, everyone cries."

"Not me."

I cackled. "Oh, you've never cried?"


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