4. The MVPs

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A knock sounded at my bedroom door, waking me up. I groaned, "Come in!" before whimpering a little and tossing so that my head was buried into my fluffy pillow.

"Aw, come on baby sis. It's the end of your first week of Uni!" my brother's obnoxiously annoying voice filled my room as he laughed and scolded me. "You cant waste the whole day away in bed."

"I can, and I will." I stated. "Last time I checked, you're my brother and not my mother so it's not your job to wake me up for school anymore. That's what my alarm clock is for."

"Right," he laughed again. "The alarm clock that's smashed in the corner over there, what a great job that's doing." he said sarcastically.

With my face still buried into my pillow, I lifted my middle finger towards my brother and flipped him off. "Fuck off, Gallagher."

"No Teags, I promised our parents, especially Dad, that I'll see to it that you make it through your first term here in uni." he replied seriously now. "And you of all people know I don't like to break my promises."

"Fine. Just- go away so I can get changed first." I said, finally sitting up and stretching. Once the door shut behind Gallagher, I groaned and got out of bed, walking the short distance to my closet.

It was times like this when I wished my room had a window.

I decided to play it safe. Jeans, flats, over sized sweater. I ran my fingers through my hair and put it in a high ponytail before turning to do my makeup.

My mum always taught me to never leave the house without some sort of makeup on. Keep it simple and light and natural. And although I did follow those rules, I harbor a deep love for lipstick, and so I can never leave the house without some sort of lipstick on.

So I kept my makeup light. Some mascara and eyeliner, then I placed an orangey- peach colored lipstick on, grabbed my phone and purse, then walked out to the living room of my dorm room to meet Gallagher.

Only he was sitting on the couch, watching TV while my roommates were all sat around him, staring at my brother. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

And I could tell by the way his face brightened and he immediately raced towards me, that he may not be coming around my dorm for awhile longer. I was fine with that.

I haven't spoken to my roommates since my first day of uni, only because I am still a little bitter that they used me to get into Gallagher's party.

They had no idea that Louis Tomlinson kept me company while they were gone.

And Louis.

I've avoided him this week also. For two people with drastically different majors, we sure as hell see each other a lot. I know it was a given for me to see him again, I mean, he does live just next door but that doesn't mean I expected to see him in the school's cafe, or at the library, or the pavilion, or even the bookstore.

He was everywhere.

And it stung every time I spotted him and turned the other way. I cant talk to him, not without Gallagher being there. And it would've been different if we hadn't spend that night together, if we didn't almost kiss... If I didn't develop feelings for him after the first hour of introduction. I knew after a while, he was looking for me. I made it a point to keep my head down and walk fast.

But even then, I know I'll see him again. He lives right next door.

Before Gallagher and I could leave, Costa stopped me and pulled me aside. "Uh, Louis Tomlinson was looking for you last night." she said.

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