35. Lottie Dotty

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She was beautiful in the way she moved. Her eyes shinning bright and her lips spread out in a wide yet nervous grin as her hands slid down my front, fingers toying at the hem of my pressed white button up.

After a rather awkwardly amusing double date with Zayn and his girlfriend, Perrie- who Zayn later left to visit his bird, Alana- in which we went bowling and ate artificially cheesy nachos and won four straight games, we met some of our mates at a local pub for a few pints and loud banter.

Teagan had stayed by my side, with a pint of her own in one of her hands and a curved smile on her pink painted lips, tucked into me with my arm around her shoulders, we didn't separate for a single moment the whole time. Not even as Gallagher approached us, with a pint himself and a look of glee when Delilah kissed his cheek. He spoke animatedly about some story of his classes today, about how one of the seniors in his lab decided to play a prank on a few unsuspecting freshmen, ending with the sorry sods having green hair and orange faces.

I've never seen Teagan laugh so hard to the point where her eyes were tearing up and she had to clutch her side from the ache of a small cramp she developed. Tonight, although we were going bowling and for a round of pints, we dressed up quite a bit, looking a bit nicer than casual, yet not too formal as Teagan wore a cute little floral dress and a light weight cardigan over top. She wore makeup than I liked, I preferred her with none on, but she still looked gorgeous as she usually did. Even in her rented bowling shoes.

Gallagher, shortly after telling the story, apologized personally to me for his actions. I felt like I wanted nothing more than his approval, I was glad now that he was alright with our relationship- but I don't think I could ever really forget. His anger was something scared me, and although I knew Gallagher could have a bit of a temper- I didn't fully understand how bad it could be until I was on the receiving end. He made things right with our mates and the lads on the football team and Coach, but the sting was still there.

Teagan smiled wryly at me, her left eye slowly dropping into a wink as she took a step back from me. She slowly removed her sweater from her shoulders, tossing it onto the back of my desk chair. She took a moment to glance around my room, most of the stuff in boxes and packed away as school lets out next week, and we had to be completely cleared out. With a heavy sigh, her shoulders moved upwards before settling down and she glanced back at me over her shoulder. "I'm going to miss this room," she said.

I shrugged. "I would request it next year, but I'll be a senior babe, and you know what that means." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at her and snickered when she choked back a laugh. I could see the glaze haze in her eyes, she was a little tipsy.

Being a senior on the football team meant we'd have our own living quarters closer to the field in a building called Romnwell. It was the newest building on campus, equipped with about ten large bedrooms and four bathrooms. We'd have our own kitchen and living room, a pool table and flat screens for lounge, with the school's fitness center just within a five minute walk, and the field was our backyard.

We earned it, as we had won our last game of the season, ending this year with another point towards our winning streak. We have yet to loose a game in three years now, and I'd be damned if we lost one next year. I wanted to be remembered here, immortal. I wanted people to remember my name, my legacy- my mates and I, we are doing the impossible.

Teagan purred, a sexy and much too arousing pur as she sauntered her way back to me. She lifted a brow, a tiny smirk on her pink painted lips, her fingers danced down from my shoulders, to the waistline of my pants, a hitched breath and a lump formed in my throat. "A senior," she mused as if she was testing how the words tasted in her mouth. "I'll be dating a senior..."

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