26. Under Pressure

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"I want to take you out." Louis stated subtly, his hands giving my waist a squeeze as he held me in his arms.

We were currently spooning on the sofa in the living area of Louis' dorm, my back pressed against his front as we laid on one side with a soft fleece blanket thrown over us and Pretty Little Liars playing softly on the television in front of us.

Louis was surprisingly very into the dramatic television series, already a closet fan of the show, so he knew everything that went on. Which came as a relief to me because nothing is more annoying than having to explain a plot, characters, and themes of a show whilst watching said show to a person who has absolutely no clue and asks way too many questions.

He told me his theory of how he knew Mrs. Dilaurentis (the mother of the supposedly dead girl) was 'A' since she moved back into town. Her behavior was always very creepy and suspicious with her keeping Allie's (the dead girl) room in perfect shape, not moving a single item like she expected her daughter to walk through the front door at any time. He also said the woman gave him a, "Single White Female" vibe from the get go.

Laying on the sofa watching Pretty Little Liars and making each other laugh was the perfect way for us to forget about the exams that just took place, the last ones ending earlier today around ten thirty. And it distracted us from what's to take place tomorrow, when we tell my brother about us.

We had just finished watching the most recent episode when Louis spoke up suddenly, surprising me.

I turned so I could get a better look at him, raising my eyebrows. "What?"

"You heard me," he replied, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck, his hands moving from my waist, to my stomach beneath my shirt so his palm rubbed the soft skin. "I want to take you out. This weekend."

I gulped. "But this weekend is Valentine's Day weekend."


"But what if- what if Gallagher doesn't approve of us?" I asked. The question had been lingering in my mind for days now, a nuisance to deal with whenever I tried to study of find sleep. What if, after we tell Gallagher about us, he doesn't want us together? Then what? Would we break up? Would that be the end?

Louis kept quiet for a few moments, his actions stilling as he thought it over. "Teagan, I-"

"I don't want you to have to choose between me and my brother. It isn't fair. He's your mate, Louis." I interrupted him, looking down to my hands, suddenly finding them interesting.

"But you're my girl, Teagan. Your- I love you." he whispered, his face coming up to hover above mine. The tips of our noses lightly grazed each other's and I could feel his warm breath fan over my lips as he stared at me with those never ending pools of blue.

"I love you too." I replied instantly.

He shook his head. "I don't think Gallagher would make me chose between the two of you. But, if he does... I'd chose you." he said. I could hear the sadness in his voice, but the determination and absolute confidence. My heart fluttered and warmth spread through my body at this. The need to be even closer to him- if possible- suddenly overbearing. "Every time, I'd chose you because I know how it feels to go on with life without you in it, and I don't want to do it. I wouldn't be able to."

I felt the tears sting my eyes as I stared up at him, into the endless pit of blue that were his orbs as they stared back down at me wide and concerned. He stroked the side of my face once, twice lovingly and gently. Before I knew it, a tear slid down my face and splashed on to my chest which ignited a steady flow of silent tears.

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