15. Cancellation

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It was as if, suddenly, Louis and I became one person.

Well maybe not suddenly, it happened over time but it was like one day I woke up and BAM! we were one of those cheesy couples that spent all of their time together, doing everything together, and taking loads of corny photos (together).

We hadn't started to dress alike, only because we already sort of did that. Louis and I found it funny that it happened to us, but to others like Costa and Delilah, it was sickening.

He adopted the cute pet name for me, M'lady. It was endearing and cute to me at the same time, lovely and it was even better to watch him say it. The way his lips moved and the smile that took permanent residence on his face whenever he says it. It made my stomach fill with butterflies and my heart beat a bit faster.

Because of my spending an "excessive amount" of time with Lou, my roommates made me promise to hang with them tonight.

Meaning, I have to cancel on my dinner date with Louis, to go to some random shady bar with my friends to drink and probably dance around in scantily clad dresses and heels too high for this occasion.

"Do it." Costa urged. "Do it, now." she pushed my phone towards me and I pouted, whimpering also.

"Do I have to? He's only just become my boyfriend a few days ago," twenty two, to be exact. "and I want him to keep being my boyfriend." I whined.

She shook her head, giving me her I'm in charge, do what I say face. "No. You have to do it now! I gave up spending the night with Niall for this, you can give up whatever little date the two of you planned." she said.

I raised an eyebrow. "But that's different!"

"It really isn't." she shook her head.

I nodded. "Oh yes it is. Lou and I are in a relationship. I like Louis." I emphasized.

She frowned, considering my argument, but I knew hat wasn't going to be the end of it. Costa always had an argument to say back. "I like Niall." she said unconvincingly to herself and to me. Catching my disbelieving look, she sighed. "Well I like shagging Niall." she corrected. "And if I had to give that up, then you can give up this."

I looked down at my phone, catching the time and smiling triumphantly. "Too late, he's at football practice!" I laughed like a loon. "Guess we'll have to postpone this little girls night out thing."

Costa was seething at this point, not just mad or a little annoyed. Her face became redder than her hair. She snatched the phone out of my hand before I even comprehend what was happening and began tapping on the screen before she smiled deviously and looked up at me.

I realized she was CALLING him.

Jumping out of bed, I pounced on her, catching us both by surprise but Costa maintained her grip on the phone until the ringing stopped and we could hear Louis' voice through the phone.

"Hello? Teags? Are you there?" he asked.

I squeaked in surprise then clapped a hand to cover my mouth.

Costa placed my phone in my hand and mouthed, "Tell him now." before turning and leaving my bedroom. I glared at her back before bringing the phone to my ear.

"Yeah, Lou, I'm here."

"What can I do for M'lady?" he asked and I could hear the smile on his face as he said it, making me feel that feeling that only he had the power to do. I smiled reflexively to his question but my stomach dropped as I realized what I was going to say next. "I have to uh, it's about our date tonight."

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