5. Chicken Nuggets

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I groaned and rolled around in my bed, with my knees brought up to the tip of my chin and my arms folded over my stomach.

It was that time of the month, and I couldn't be bothered with attending any of my classes today because it felt like someone was literally trying to rip my uterus out of my body. I did the typical thing a girl does when she's on her period.

I wore baggy sweatpants, a tank top, threw my hair up in a messy bun, and neglected to shower, and avoided mirrors. I ate a lot of food, and took some Midol and now here I am, tossing and turning in bed because I just cannot get to sleep.

Probably because it's only six 'clock and the sun is still up outside.

My stomach was still growling from hunger, and I felt even more emotional than usual. I wanted my roommates to check on me, I wanted my brother to call and see if I was okay, I wanted my mum to make me tea, I wanted Louis to somehow appear and just cuddle with me to keep my mind off the pain.

Now I'm just talking crazy.

Fed up, I sat up from my bed and left my room, walking to the living room, finding my three roommates sitting on the couch, watching movies silently. Not a single sound was said between them, and the movie was on a really low volume.

Curious, I decided to check it out. Pink Panther. One of the randomest movies we could watch.

I heard a, pst, from somewhere on the couch and looked down to see Costa staring at me. I raised my eyebrows, signalling for her to continue.

"It's that time of the month for all of us." she said before pointing her thumbs to our other two roommates that sat on both sides of her. "PMS."

I nodded understandingly before shifting on my feet awkwardly. "You know," I spoke, getting everyone's attention. "Back home, when my friends and I were a synced up, we usually made a night of it."

Harley looked at me confused. "How?"

"Well, we'd buy a lot of food and ice cream and watch movies, and then we'd sing karaoke, and if we're not all out by then, then we'd do each other's nails and tell stories." I smiled lightly at the memory before snapping out of it. "But we don't have to do that. Now that I think about it, it sounds a little childish."

"Childish? Yes." Delilah smiled. "But it also sounds fun."

"Yeah, too bad you and Costa ate all the food." Harley laughed.

"Well then we'll go buy some more!" I volunteered before letting my eyes settle on a grumpy looking Costa. "It's the least we could do."

"Fine." she groaned. "But don't expect me to change. Let me just grab my wallet."

I smiled and ran back to my room, sliding on my TOMS, then putting on a light pink shade of lipstick- because I never leave the house without wearing lipstick- then grabbed my wallet and phone.

When I walked back out to the living room, Costa stood by the door, applying some black eyeliner on. When she was finished, she smiled proudly before nodding for me to go with her.

"So we could go to Tesco's around the corner, or the campus convenience store." I listed before pausing and looking to the ginger.

"Tesco's." we both said at the same time.

The night was cold, yet I didn't mind walking around in only sweatpants and a tank top, and Costa didn't seemed bothered by the fact she was only wearing a Ramones t-shirt and plaid pajama shorts.

"Why do you put on lipstick before you leave the dorm?" she asked suddenly.

I opened my mouth to reply, but shut it when I thought of something witty, and very Costa- like to say. "The same reason you put on eyeliner before leaving the dorm." I said as we rounded the corner.

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