9. Eating Contest

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It was safe to say I am nervous.

Even if we aren't dating, and Louis did have a girlfriend of his own, I couldn't help but think this was a date, but Louis wouldn't feel the same. He'd probably think of it as I meant for it to be: Two friends, just enjoying each other's company as they went out to town. I couldn't help but feel like it was so much more.

Louis was tired, exhausted, and every one could see. Uni was starting to take a toll on him, and that once fun loving, free spirit that Gallagher loved to tell stories about was fading and Louis was slowly becoming serious and dull and tired, something no one could ever see him being.

He was losing himself, and I thought maybe a day of worry free fun, away from campus would do him some good.

"You're nervous." Costa commented from my door frame.

I looked at her through the mirror I was doing my make up in and scoffed. "Oh please, no I'm not." I lied.

She nodded slowly. "Right,"

"I'm not!" I tried. "Why would I be?"

She tutted and crossed her ankles while leaning on the door frame for more support. "Well, you're going on a date with your older brother's best friend who has no idea you even know Louis, let alone are dating him while Louis still has a girlfriend- a big scary, bitchy- girlfriend who you're will blow your secret to both Gallagher and Louis if she knows you have so much as breathed the same air as Louis." she took a breath. "Did I miss anything?"

"No you pretty much summed it all up." I glared at her. "This is not a date, by the way. And I have not ever been on a date with Louis. We're just two friends, hanging out."

"Oh, okay then, so if you're really just two friends, why all the secrecy?" she asked. "Don't get me wrong, your life makes for a great soap opera, and all of my studies suggest the sex between you two will be hot,"

"Costa!" I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I don't get why you need to keep your relationship with Louis a secret if you're 'Just Friends'" she said.

"Because I promised my brother, Costa. You know that." I said. "He'd not only be mad, but he'd be hurt and devastated if he found out I broke our promise. This is the first time either one of us has broken a promise."

"Well you know what they say," she smirked. "There's a first time for everything!"

I glared at her. "Like always, you're not helping."

She snorted. "Oh please. If it wasn't for me, this whole charade would've gone up in flames a long time ago."

I quirked an eyebrow at her. "Care to elaborate how?"

"No." she shrugged.

I chuckled at my ginger friend and returned to doing my makeup. I didn't want to wear a massive amount or do something elaborate, as it was just Louis and we aren't going anywhere that requires me to look fancy, so I decided to go with a natural look.

A bit of mascara, some foundation to even out my skin tone, and of course, lipstick. I never leave home without some on.

"Do you know what you're going to wear?" Costa asked.

I sighed, getting up from my position and walking to my tiny closet that barely had enough space for all of my clothes. "I have no freaking idea." I huffed. "I want to look fit, like he wont be able to take his eyes off of me in case another bloke tries to flirt, but I want to look like I hadn't tried very hard."

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