6. Looney Tunes

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"So let me get this straight," I laughed as Costa tried to balance a baseball on the top of her head. "You're a sex major?"

Costa sighed and let the baseball drop on my bed. "Basically," she shrugged.

I laughed again, shaking my head in disbelief. "And your parents were okay with letting you major in that?"

"My parents are hippies." she stated. I laughed again and she swatted my arm. "It's a science!" she defended.

"Sure it is," I replied, getting up from my bed and stretching.

"It's actually quite interesting, and you should sit in on my lecture today before you judge me or anyone else with the same major, for that matter." she said.

I snorted. "Costa, I have my own classes to attend."

Costa resorted to playing catch with the ball, by herself. "Right and what's your major again? Judgementalology?"

"Cute," I deadpanned and she smirked. "Just get the hell out, so I can finish my homework before I have to go to class."

"I don't know why you waited until the day it was due, to start it." she tutted. "Oh wait, I do know, because a certain boy from next door took you out on a date last night."

I rolled my eyes. "It was not a date."

"Yes it was."

"No it wasn't."

"Oh really, so what you do?" she asked.

"We-" I paused, catching myself. "I'm not telling you!"

"So he's that good in bed, huh?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Toss off!" I laughed, finally pushing her out and closing the door behind her.

I walked over to my desk, trying to get myself in worker mode. I had a half an hour before I needed to get to class, and a whole chapter of my textbook I have to study and outline before it.

I got home last night with the intentions of completing all my homework, but those good willed intentions flew right out the window when I spotted Louis waiting by my dorm room door for me, shyly.

He asked me to hang with him (after a lot of awkward stuttering) and I couldn't say no to him. We ended up on a bench right outside of the campus coffee shop, talking and laughing about everything that came to mind.

Eventually the topic of Eleanor came up and he began to get a little distant, keeping his responses to a short one word, or even a grunt or nod.

He obviously didn't want to talk to me about her, but her name kept flowing out of my mouth like word vomit. I just had to know what was going on with them and I had to know if Louis and Eleanor became Elounor (as Costa liked to call them). He wasn't giving me any answers.

It wasn't until two in the morning, when Louis got a call from- guess who- Eleanor, that we decided to call it a night and separate. Which strikes me as odd because we were dorm neighbors, so we should've walked together but he headed in the other direction. Most likely going to her dorm room.

I was so exhausted that I just collapsed after promising myself I'd skip lunch today to do my homework.

So here I am, on the third page of a fifty page chapter, with a pink highlighter in one hand and a chicken wrap in the other, frantically completing my homework in the hour and a half I had to spare before my next class (the class in which the homework is due for) started.

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