37. Sunny Days

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Summer was supposed to be of freedom, smiles, and sunshine. Cute jean shorts, body hugging tank tops, string bikinis, and flip flops- summer was hands down my favorite time of year.

As superficial and cliche as it might sound, my skin was tanner, and my hair was blonder, making my eyes seem even bluer than they really were. I felt like I looked better, a more enhanced version of the self I am during the year, a natural tan- not to dark- was a confidence booster. Especially for me because I turn paper white when the sun is gone.

Naturally, Gallagher stays tan all year. It's not fair.

After spending a weekend with Louis, for which he stayed in Gallagher's room with my brother so you could imagine- there was no frick fracking going on between us, I decided seeing him for just weekend would not be enough.

Fortunately for us, the football camp has a two week break so the players could see their families, do whatever it is they need to do, and come back relaxed and energized. The camp even picks up a few more football players to train during the second half.

Louis had the bright idea of renting a shore house for those two weeks and invited Harry and Costa along as a sort of Venice part two. He also invited Gallagher, who awkwardly turned him down because he was sure he didn't want any accidental walk in's of him seeing Louis and I doing something he refuses to think we do in the first place. And while both Louis and I assured him that that would not happen, Gallagher still refused on the grounds of: He might be able to hear us having sex, or he could just sense it- both of which would make his stomach turn.

So that was a no on his front, but I knew the real reason he didn't want to come is because of Delilah. She lives in Bristol with her family, and he planned on going there to see her. Not a problem for me, they were a cute couple in my eyes. Everything she was, Gallagher wasn't.

She is pale, he is tan. She has dark brown hair, he has a goldish blonde tint. Her eyes are dark brown, his are blue. She liked alternative music, Gallagher listened to the likes of Eminem and Kanye. Delilah and Gallagher were complete opposites, yet they balanced each other out.

Mum hated Delilah. She hated my old roommate with a burning passion because she was different, and she didn't look perfect to her like Gallagher and I were. She found Delilah to be dark, and her humor was vile, and her ripped jeans and band shirt combos was a fashion travesty. Mum could be very vapid like that because the woman herself was a total petunia.

She vaguely reminded me of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter, but just a smidgen younger, and admittedly better looking. Mother always wore pink- pink cardigan or pink shoes or a pink purse- and with the pink, she paired it with something floral. She turned her nose up at any and everyone who did not look "perfect" in her eyes.

Dad, on the other hand, loved Delilah. I suppose it had something to do with her crass and sarcastic humor, it resembled my dad's. She wore heavy makeup sometimes, which I think is a secret fetish of my father's. And her ripped jeans kept his eyes wandering.

It both amused and sickened Gallagher and I.

It had only been a month and a half into the summer, Uni was to start again in just over four weeks, and I was excited. As I backed for my two week vacation, I thought over the things I'll need to survive my sophomore year of Uni. Top of the list was a new wardrobe.

I am my mother's daughter, clothes- although my sense of style is unarguably better- are important to me.

I looked over my packed suitcase, a medium sized suitcase just over the weight limit to be a carry on, trying to decide if I should or should not pack any books.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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