Chapter 8: "I have a crush on Shadow Winters.."

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Picture of chuck

London POV

I felt myself being carried, I never knew pillows could move!
Reaching my hand out, I grabbed the pillow.

"Ouch! London what the hell?!" I heard a very familiar voice say.
Opening my eyes, I saw dark brown eyes staring down at me.

"Chucky bear?" I giggled.
Chuck let out a tired sigh,
"You're still drunk. . . Shadows gonna kill me!" He muttered.

"Why so angry, did I do something wrong?" I couldn't help but get teary eyed, what can I do? I'm drunk, tired and just want to sleep.

"No London, you didn't, just go back to sleep." He half smiled
Nodding my head, I allowed sleep to take over.

I felt myself being lifted again, but decided to carry on sleeping.
I heard snippets of voices arguing over something.

"SHE NEVER TOLD YOU?!" An angry deep voice shouted. Why are they shouting?

"YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HER, DID YOU?!" I suddenly heard a disappointed sigh.
"Damon was there!" Chuck, I think Chuck said.
"Get out Chuck! I'll deal with you later!"
I felt myself being lifted from someone's arms into a much nicer, warmer yet hard chest.

I couldn't help but snuggle into the person's chest, I could hear there heart beating, quite rapidly.
"Why do you have to piss me off London?" A loving voice mumbled. . .

Shadow POV

I looked down at the women I'm suppose to marry in just weeks.
She laid completely still in my arms, her silky, brown hair, fell back, tickling my hands.
She looked like an angel, and that always seems to get under my skin.
How can she not tell me,that she was going out with Chuck?
I looked back to see Chuck drive away in his limo.
I really hope he didn't do anything to her, or I swear, I will kill him with my bare hands.
But he seems to really care about London. . .
Hopefully in a friendly way. . .

This is what happens, when I try to be nice to someone, they always end up pissing me off.

"Why do you have to piss me off London?" I asked, no one in particular.

I felt her stirr, before her eyes fluttered open.
Her gorgeous brown eyes. . .
She stared at me in confusion, she must still be drunk.

Her delicate fingers, reached towards my face.
She let her fingers trail around my eyes, before whispering,

"Your eyes are so pretty." I couldn't help but smile. Yep, shes drunk.

"Thanks." I replied, why am I talking to a drunk person?
She closed her eyes again.

Suddenly London jerked up, causing me to come to a halt, whilst screaming.

"DRU-U-UNK IN L-O-O-VEE!!!" She sang, giving me a mini heart attack.

"What the fuck London?!" I semi-shouted. I don't know if I could handle her like this. . .

"Oops!" She giggled, her eyes held a flash of excitement and happiness, that I've never seen before.

"Do you know someone caalledd, Shadow Wiinteerrs?" She slurred. She didn't recognize me, so I decided to go with it.

"Yes I do, why?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Dont tell him, chocolate, but.." She whispered, but the only thing on my mind know what what she just said.


"Mmhmm, your eyes are like chocolate,even though their eyes are green and now shhhh!" She demanded, pressing her fingers to my lips.

"Okay" I can't believe I'm actually listening to her.

"I have a crush. . . on Shadow Winters" She whispered, before blushing.

Automatically my lips turned up into a smirk.
London likes me, who knew? Obviously she likes me,I'm Shadow Winters.

"Oh really?" I pushed, raising my eyebrow.

"Yep!" She said, popping the p.

"Can I tell you a secret too?" Its not like she's going to remember, she's way too drunk.

"Sure!" She smiled, I couldn't help but smile, her smile is contagious.

"I have a crush on a girl, I'm suppose to marry. . ." I confessed, to a drunk girl

"Ooo, she must be lucky, since your so hot!" She quickly covered her mouth, like she wasn't meant to say it, causing me to chuckle.

"Actually, it's the other way round. I'm lucky, but don't tell her. I have a reputation to hold." I winked.

She giggled like a school girl.
Once I reached the door, I kicked it open.
Luckily it opened on the first hit.
Carrying her up the stairs and to our room, I laid her down on the bed.

"I feel uncomfortable." She groaned, stretching out on the bed.

I grabbed one of my big tops and gave it to her.
Without warning, she took her skirt and top off.
I quickly turned around, since I knew if she found out i saw her without clothes, she would kill me and I'm respectful

"Good night. . ." I heard her yawn, and turned around to find her passed out on our bed.

I walked towards the bed, giving her a quiet peck on the forehead and whispered,
"Good night. . ."

So what do you think?

I know it was a short chapter, Sadow will not change, I'm warning you all, this isn't the typical romantic book, where the guy will change for her, so if you are expecting him to change, i would stop reading this book... but what do you think?
Will London remember any of this, Shadow admitting he likes her?

The wedding is 7 chapters away, Im not sure when this book is going to end, i'm just going to keep writing but i've planned out the last chapter .



Editor: QueenRambo

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