"You Think I'm Attractive?"

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"I'm going to pack my things for tomorrow, night guys." James stated before heading back inside. Ethan, Emma, Grayson and I were currently on the balcony.

"Night." All of us responded before continuing with our previous conversation.

"I'm telling you Gray, the red team is by far better than the blue team in Mario Kart." Emma said, crossing her arms as she lay back in her chair.

"No way, blue is so much better. You tend to get better teammates."

"Is it really that important guys?" I asked, Ethan nodding in agreement.

"Of course it is!" The other two snapped.

"Red is such a cool colour."

"You couldn't be more wrong."

I looked over at Ethan before rolling my eyes, hearing him laugh in response. "I'm going to go for a swim and leave you guys to your pointless argument." With that, I immediately stood up and walked back into the building, heading to the other side where the pool was.

Once I reached out the second balcony, I slid open the doors and began to take my clothes off, revealing the bikini that I wore underneath. My toes came in contact with the cold water as goosebumps started to form on my skin, causing me to bite my lip slightly.

Without thinking too much about the temperature, I got in, my body immediately tensing from the drastic change.

As I was adjusting to the pool, I swam over to the edge so that I could clearly see Vegas for the last time before we left. I sighed, knowing that I was going to miss the amazing view and the fun times I shared with the sister squad.

My senses kicked in when I heard someone get in the pool.

I turned around in hope that it was Grayson, but felt a small wave of disappointment when I saw that it was Ethan.

"Couldn't bare listening to them argue." Ethan muttered, swimming towards me so that he was eventually on my left.

"Reason why I left earlier." A comfortable silence fell on us, car horns beeping in the distance. "I'm going to miss Vegas so much."

"We'll come back. Gray and I enjoyed every second of it."

I nodded, letting him know that I was listening.

"Do you want to talk about the whole you and Grayson thing?"

"What thing? He obviously doesn't feel the same way."

"Come on y/n, I see the way he looks at you."

"It's just a friendship thing. Sure I think he is attractive but-"

"You think I'm attractive?" Ethan asked.

"I'm not denying it." I laughed, looking over at him as his eyebrow raised. "Grayson is really sweet and generous, as well as cunning and hilariously goofy. But I know that he just sees me as another friend." I shifted my gaze back to the buildings.

"Well he is missing out."

"Missing out on what?"

"A lot."

"You don't have to be nice, Ethan."

"But I'm not! Y/n you are absolutely gorgeous."

My head snapped back to Ethan, my eyes widened as he kept a serious expression on his face.

"I mean what is there not to like? You've got the perfect personality and perfect looks. If Gray doesn't see that then he is the biggest douche to walk on this planet."

"He's your brother, E."

"Does it look like I care? Plus, I call him a douche all the time."

We both laughed in sync, my cheeks blushing like mad as we kept eye contact.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what? Telling you what is right?"

There a small moment of silence.

"So you think I'm attractive?" I finally asked.

Ethan didn't say anything, instead a smirk formed on his plump pink lips, causing my stomach to turn.

My eyes looked right into his, noticing that his pupils covered about 80% of his eye, the pure hazelnut orbs now pitch black. Ethan's eye widened as the smirk moved into a smile.

"How about we test whether Grayson has feelings for you or not?"

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