"You Guys Can't Fool Around When She's Sick"

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"Go fish." Ethan muttered, causing Grayson to shift towards the pack of cards on the hospital bed and pick one up, scanning his collection that he hid from his opponent.

A sigh left me as I chucked the newspaper onto the nightstand before laying my eyes on a framed picture beside the bed. It was of Ethan, Grayson, their sister Cameron and their parents. I hadn't met any of them since they still lived back in New Jersey where the twins grew up, but Ethan told me that they were coming over for a few days to visit Grayson. Looking at the picture and admiring their smiles made me feel warm inside, a comforting feeling that made me smile.

It was the day after Grayson was in the accident, Ethan and I decided to go and visit him since I had to leave yesterday for Vogue. It was just a small interview but they said that they would call me back when they needed me. Emma couldn't go that day since she was sick and didn't want to spread anything, but that wasn't going to stop Ethan from buying her breakfast and seeing her that morning.

"I'm gonna go guys." Ethan stated before placing his cards down and grabbing his jacket from the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Gray and I asked in sync whilst Ethan slipped on his jacket, checking that everything he brought was in his pockets.

"Emma's, I'm making lunch." Grayson and I awed at Ethan, causing him to blush.

"You would rather be at your fucking girlfriend's rather than here with your injured twin brother! I mean you guys can't fool around when she's sick you know?" Grayson said.

"She's not my girlfriend! Plus, we aren't going to do anything."

"Exactly." I stated, grabbing my coat and standing up. "Because I am going to make her lunch."

"Y/n, I need to see her." Ethan moaned, obviously wanting to see her (I mean who wouldn't want to).

"Ethan, you need to stay with Grayson. I'll take care of her, plus I haven't seen her today."

Ethan paused for a moment before slipping off his jacket. "Fine, but you'll need the keys to get in." I rolled my eyes as Ethan raised a cocky eyebrow at me, pretending to throw the keys at me. After a few "gimme"s and "ethaaaaaaaaaaan"s, I finally grasped the keys before giving Ethan a hug, making my way to Grayson after.

"I hope you get out of this hospital soon so that we can hangout like you promised." I whispered in his ear as we embraced each other. God I missed his hugs.

"I hope so too." He responded just as we broke apart.

I looked at both of the twins, waving goodbye to them before disappearing behind the hospital door, feeling the familiar smell of sweat and plastic from the corridors.


"But I've always wanted to have a nose ring!" Emma croaked from across the kitchen.

"You haven't ALWAYS wanted one. Plus, I'm not saying that you shouldn't, I just wouldn't get one if I were you." I replied, carrying the hot bowl of fresh tomato soup towards the sick girl sitting at the table, who was wearing a yellow sweater with grey joggers, her hair done up in a messy bun that was wrapped around her velvet srunchie as always.

"Why not?" She asked, soon followed by a quick "thank you" as I placed the bowl in front of her.

"Because it's not my style." I said, taking a seat opposite her, the screeching noises of the chair against the floor echoing.

"You see, that's what I am worried about-"

"Emma, you need to rest your voice, just eat your soup."

She didn't oblige at all, instead she immediately started eating, acting as if I had just given her a bowl of heaven. I giggled whilst watching the messy little toddler paint soup all over the corners of her mouth, that was until she started speaking again.

"So have you talked to Grayson recently?"

"Yeah, I went to visit him before I came round."

Her eyes widened as she placed her bowl to the side, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. "So what's happened?"

My eyebrows joined together as my eyes squinted slightly. "What do you mean?"

Emma's mouth fell open, pausing for a moment, looking at me as if she had said something she wasn't supposed to.

"He didn't tell you?"

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