"At Least Give Me My High Heels"

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My legs were killing as my head ached once we walked out of that premiere, probably due to the high heels and the amount of screaming in the theatre, it was horrible. All I could focus on was getting to the Uber that was parked outside safely, without collapsing on the concrete floor beneath us. My feet dragged, right, left, right, left, only wanting to be tucked away in bed wearing comfy clothes and with a good book. I was CRAVING it.

"What did you think, y/n?" I heard James ask which immediately brought me out of my happy place, which was daydreaming about wearing my fluffy sweatshirt and sweatpants whilst reading "Misery" by Stephen King.

"Eh?" I muttered, turning my attention to the four teenagers who had their eyes on me.

"I SAID, what did you think about the movie?" James repeated, everyone else responding with a small chuckle.

"Oh, it was ok I guess. I was wayyyyy too tired to focus on the movie."

"I totally get you y/n, it is like one in the morning as well." Gray stated, placing his hand on my shoulder to show that he understood.

"I don't, I can stay up til four!" Ethan bragged, sounding way too cocky about it.

"Same." Emma said.

"You guys are just made for each other." I groaned to Ethan and Emma, causing them to blush as the others grinned like psychos.

Once we reached the Uber, one by one we got in, the exact same layout when we were heading to the premiere earlier. Although I got the chance to sit next to Grayson, I also hated that we were the only ones in the back, it somehow made me nervous. But I was wayyyyyy too tired to care.

"You tired?" Gray laughed just as the car began to move.

"Exhausted." I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes open but obviously failing. The fact that Grayson was sitting next to me completely went past my mind, but that was until he melted my heart once again.

"Do you wanna rest your head on my shoulder?"

"Do you wanna rest your head on my shoulder?"

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(^me writing this^)

My eyes shifted over to his, viewing his perfectly adorable and blurred face through my half-closed eye lids. "But then I'll definitely fall asleep."

"Don't worry, I'll wake you up when we get to your place." He insisted, smiling with the smile that I had grown to love and admire.

Luckily, my tired self didn't have time to process the fact that my head rested on his shoulder for the entire drive home, which made me look less freaked out when it happened (thank god). The moment was perfect, so perfect that I couldn't help but let my mind slowly drift away as everything became black.

Emma's POV: (oooooooooooooooh)

As James, Ethan and I were yelling at each other about who was the "most liked in the sister squad", we felt the car stop, signalling that we were outside y/n's house.

"Now get out los-" I yelled towards the back of the car before getting shushed by Grayson.

"She's asleep." He harshly whispered, causing me to immediately cover my mouth with my hand. James, Ethan and I snapped our heads to where Grayson was, seeing y/n resting on top of him. I wanted to scream. "I'll quickly take her inside, give me two minutes."

Without hesitation, Grayson opened the car door before unbuckling his and y/n's seatbelt, slipping his arm around her so that he could carry her bridal style. I awed at the sight before me as my favourite ship acted as if they were a couple in front of my very eyes. Once he managed to get out of the car, James immediately whispered for him.

"Grayson!" Gray turned around, mentally telling him to be quiet. "At least give me my high heels."

The twins and I sighed at James' stupid comment before Ethan slipped the heels off of y/n's ankles, passing them over to James who seemed at peace with his beloved shoes.

Before anything else could be said or done, Grayson rushed across the front porch whilst carrying y/n in his arms, not wanting to keep the Uber driver waiting any longer. The three of us in the car eagerly watched the two lovebirds disappear behind the front door, giggling at each other.

"Why don't you carry me like that?" Ethan moaned, as if he was a three year old toddler.

I rolled my eyes before lightly pushing him away, feeling my cheeks burn due to how much I was smiling.

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