So Maybe

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The things I have felt

The waves that have washed over me

The storms I've endured

The winds I've been tossed around by

They're too much for one heart.

So maybe,

One day

Someone will be there to endure it with me

Someone with their own storms

Someone who has experienced shipwrecks too

Someone who understands being washed up,

And being pelted by rain.

The things they and I have experienced

Are too much for one heart

So maybe,

I and that someone

Could experience it together.

Together we could weather the storms

Protect each other from rough winds

Be shelter from the cold

Find beauty in those dark cumulonimbus clouds

That bring back horrible memories.

We could sail through the changing ocean tides

We could stay together through all the seasons of our lives


So maybe,

Our two hearts can withstand every tempest the world my bring

Even storms of our own

Storms pass.

I and that someone know that better than anyone.

The sickening lurches of our tiny lifeboats

(That are full of people we know)

As they are hurled and tossed at sea

Will subside to calming rhythms that we dance to

So maybe,

I've found a dance partner

Someone who will reassure me

That if i make a mistake

Nothing and no one will throw me off my lifeboat.

And if either of us falls

We would catch each other

So maybe,

What's too much for one heart

We can weather together.

A.N. I wrote this ages ago but I couldn't be bothered to edit...

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