Times Are Hard For Dreamers

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Times are hard for dreamers.

In our dreams we see

A world so bright,

That when we open our eyes

We are consumed by the night.

The stars are brighter

In our made up worlds

So they seem to fizzle out

When we exit them.

And we aren't quite familiar

With the line between

Our imaginations and reality.

We'd rather pretend

That the songs we hear

In our pretend lives

Are the real ones.

And the songs about

Love gone wrong

Are the ones past the line.

We tell ourselves lies -

Beautiful lies, but still lies -

And end up convincing

Ourselves of their authenticity.

Could it be that we are shackled

By the expectations and thoughts

We conjure up in our dreams?

How could that be,

When us dreamers

Feel so free?

And everyone tells us we're crazy

For imagining light in the dark,

For imagining stars in the sky.

But the worlds we see

Are so much more beautiful

That everyone else is crazy

To not want to see it.

Then again, the reason we dream

Is so that we don't have to face

The world when our eyes are open.

We spend so much time

In our dreams,

In an imaginary world.

Too much time

That it can't possibly be healthy.

But can you blame us?

Times are hard for dreamers.

It's not good to live in dreams

And forget to live life,

But life is better

In dreams.

A.N. WOW I was dead for a looonnnggg time.

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