Cardboard Boxes

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Moving houses is a strange thing.

It's strange to see cardboard boxes

Piled up where you used to sit and read.

It's strange to see the fridge,

Once covered in photos and papers and notes

Bare and seemingly lifeless.

It's strange to see walls you had lined

With material representations of memories

Clean and with no trace of your existence.

Will planet earth be like that?

A while after humans are gone?

It's strange to see your memories,

Your passions,

Your expressions,

Squished together in a cardboard box.

How can things that define your very essence

Fit in a cardboard box?

How can that cardboard box contain

Material representations of everything you've ever known?

It's strange to see beloved trinkets and

Miscellaneous objects thrown away,

Trapped in a trash can.

Not knowing that they too,

Played an important part in your life.

Yet there they are.

Concealed in a plastic trash bag

Because they wouldn't fit in a cardboard box.

What power does that box have over me?

Why should it decide

What parts of me I want to leave behind?

I leave behind parts of me

But nothing is left in the house I once called home.

Aside from indents in the carpet.

A small crack in a bathroom tile

From when I dropped a pair of scissors

When I gave my sister a haircut.

A dent in the wall

From when my cousins and I

Tried to play darts.

Smudges of graphite on the walls

From when my sister

Was working on a portrait

For a couple

Who's baby died at 2 years old.

A stain in the carpet

From when my brother

Knocked over a bottle of liquid paper

When he was playing tag with his friend.

Dark circles on the ceiling

From the glow-in-the-dark stars

That once protected and looked over me.

Now those stars are in the trash.

Now that pair of scissors is in a cardboard box.

When the moving trucks come

I will load cardboard boxes full of memories into them.

And when they are transported

I will cut away the packing tape

It will be like opening Pandora's box.

The things inside are tied to trepidations,

Fear, depression, anxieties, confusion...

But by opening those cardboard boxes,

I get to meet myself again.

Experience the feeling of holding a guitar

That had came from a box,

Turn the pages of my journals again,

Hang up all my posters and papers on the walls,

Get out the gardening tools and make something beautiful

Of the earth that us humans are killing.

I will find myself again.

Uncover all the colours and let them spill

Out over a bland house;

Out over my bland life.

Those cardboard boxes have caused me pain

And sadness and they will let me experience

The feeling of elation when you meet yourself again

Paired with the feeling of nostalgia of all the things

You left behind, all because of the cardboard box.

Moving houses is a strange thing.

A.N. I get very attached to material things. That's why I'm being moody about moving houses. :(( The picture is 'Liberty Leading the People' which is a painting by Eugène Delacroix and which was designed as a political poster and that snazzy dude Eugène painted himself into it as the fellow in the top hat. Life goals amirite?

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