Honestly, what did I expect

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Honestly, what did I expect?

For you to confess your love

And we run off into the sunset?

Life is not a fairytale,

Love is not a game.

Every single time I love

My heart is never the same

Birds of Paradise die

Flowers aren't eternal

So I ask myself: why?

If I knew love cannot last

Why do I keep falling in love?

It always ends with me crying

In vain, to the stars above

Memories of her, still fresh in my mind

And yet I fall for him

What did I think I would find?

Heartache and heartbreak

That's all love ever was and is

When will I learn that

I'll never be hers nor his?

Those unnamed muses yet to be

Imprinted in my memory

More causes of tears for me.

A.N. Y'all I wrote this hella short poem in October last year and idek where it was for like 5 months but I found it again somehow.
Also, my current hyper fixation is Newsies so ya just have to assume that all the photos are Newsies related until I am less obsessed with it.

Shitty PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora