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As the sun slowly sinks

And relinquishes light

I think it is time

To at last say goodnight

Goodnight to the moon

Goodnight to the stars

Goodnight to the world

That could have been ours

- Good night to the love

That could have been ours

Goodnight to the voices

Goodnight to song

Goodnight to the life

That could have been long

- Goodnight to the life

That should have been long

Goodnight to the books

Goodnight to the dreams

Goodnight to the world

That is what it seems

- Goodnight to the world

That's never what it seems

Goodnight to poetry

Goodnight to love

Goodnight to my God

Who watches from above

- Goodnight to whoever

Watches from above

Goodnight to my family

Goodnight to my friends

Though the sun descends down

Our friendship never ends

- Though the sun descends down

Our love never ends

As the moon rises up

And sheds its pale light

Someone says goodbye

For the last time, tonight

And the next time the moon

Greets its realm of the night

It shine on one less

Tired face that night

It shines on one less

For she has said goodnight

A.N. Y'all look @ me I'm rhyming omg

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