The Sun Is Still Shining

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How can you save a drowning friend

Who's so focused on keeping their head above the water,

That they fail to notice the lifeboat right behind them?

I yell and scream for them to notice

But my voice is muffled by the crash of deafening waves.

I want to pull them out of the brutal sea,

I reach for them but every second it seems that they drift further away.

Why can't I hold up an umbrella for everyone who gets pelted by rain?

Why can't I put a leash on every Black Dog that follows people around?

Why can't I part the clouds to show you

That the sun is still shining

That even though you can't see it,

It's warm glow and happy radiance is still there.

Why can't I show you that these clouds won't dictate how you feel,

That all storms pass and the sun is eagerly waiting to come out and show you.

I know it may feel like metal bars are condoning you.

But if you can reach between them far enough just to grasp my hand,

I'll be your lifeline.

Why can't I show everyone that the sun is shining

And you can bask in its warm glow too,

If you would only lift your head.

The sun shines for all of us,

It doesn't discriminate

Nor care who you are,

It just wants to share its warmth;

It just wants you to be happy.

Because even in your darkest hour,

Happiness is a choice.

And I want to help you choose it.

When you come across a crossroads

I want to tell you that whichever way you travel

Someone will stand by you,

I will stand by you,

And that all roads can lead to happiness

If you look for beauty whilst you walk along them.

I want to help you look for it,

I want to tell you that you can smell the flowers and reach for the stars.

I want to tell you that everything will be alright.

Although even I might not believe it in that moment.

What are my beliefs to your future?

If saying that "everything will be alright"

Will keep you from going under for even one minute,

Then the sun will shine brighter knowing that there is still a chance

That you will bask in its light once again.

Please, I want to help.

But I can't tell you anything,

I can't help anyone,

I can't do anything,

If you don't let me.

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