My best friends older brother Part 3

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

And then Katie walked in...

"Hey B, do you kn- what the fuck?!" She said as she kept looking at us. "Oh god, Katie, I ca-" I tried to say but was interrupted by a slap on the face. Brendon got in front of me, naked, in all of his glory and said "KATIE, don't hit her, or I swear to god-". "What are you gonna do Brendon, hit me, your own sister. I have the right to hit her, she's my best friend and here she is being a slut and fucking my own brother!!". "Katie, please, just let me explain!!" I sis dad tears started to fall. "No y/n, I'm not gonna let you explain, your fucking my brother you slut!" She yelled back at me. "Katie stop, I was the one that started this whole thing, I ran into her on the way to the kitchen, she came out of the bathroom in a towel and I just couldn't help myself. Katie, don't blame her, please don't blame your best friend if 8 years. She doesn't deserve it" Brendon said. "God, you guys disgust me. I'm going out and I'm probably not gonna be back for a while. While I'm gone fuck as much as you want, just don't get pregnant or I swear to god I will fucking kill both of you do you understand me" she said as she packed some things in a backpack. We both nodded, fearing what would happen when she finds out that I might be pregnant. She left through the front door. As soon as she left I collapsed into Brendon's arms and cried my eyes out. "Oh my god Brendon, did I just loose my best friend" I said through choked sobs. "No, no sweetheart, of course you didn't, she'll come around to it. It was just surprising to her, she doesn't know what to do about it right now, but, you did not lose your best friend. I promise you" he replied back as he planted small kisses on my neck to comfort me.

After crying my eyes out, I started to fall asleep on Brendon's arms. "You tired babe" he whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly and then fell asleep with my back to Brendon's bare chest, as we were both still naked.

I woke up to hear screaming coming from the kitchen and Brendon was not in bed. I got up from the bed, took a pair of Brendon's boxers and one of his t-shirts and put them on. I went out into the kitchen to see Brendon and his parents fighting with each other. "SHE'S 2 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU BRENDON!!" His mom said. "MOM, IT'S NOT LIKE SHE'S 8 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME, IT'S ONLY 2 YEARS. AND I LOVE HER!" He yelled back. "How long has this been going on?" His dad asked calmly. "About a month" Brendon replied. "A MONTH! YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING WITH YOUR LITTLE SISTERS BEST FRIEND FOR A MONTH!!" His mom yelled. "Grace, I think your over reacting, he says that he loves her and he's right, she's only 2 years younger than him. He's 18 and she's 16, it's not that bad Grace" his dad said. That's when I walked in. Grace walked up to me and said "I'm so sorry my son is playing with your heart like this, but he can't be with you, he's too old for you" and went to hug me. I pulled away before she could hug and went over to Brendon. I hugged him and nuzzled my face into his bare chest. (He has boxers on). "I'm sorry kitten, did we wake you up?" He asked. I shook my head and lightly kissed his chest. I turned to Brendon's mom, Grace, and said "with all do respect Mrs. Urie, I love Brendon. I love him so much. And he really isn't that much older than me. He has done nothing but treat me like I'm a god damn queen. Your son is the greatest person I have ever met.". Grace looked at me with wide eyes. "Wow... well, uh, I didn't know you felt that way. I mean, I guess you can be together. I can't change love" she said. "Well, even if you didn't want us to be together, I still would've stayed with him" I replied back and then kissed him, passionately. He rested his hands on my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled back and looked up at him and said "I love you Brendon Boyd Urie". He looked down at me and replied "I love you too Y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n"

I was sitting on Brendon's lap in the living room when the front door opened and Katie walked in. I quickly got up and went to hug her. To my surprise she hugged back and said "I'm so sorry y/n. I'm sorry I called you a slut and I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I don't have the right to tell you who you can and can't date. I'm so so sorry y/n, please forgive me" as she sobbed into my shoulder. "Oh Katie, of course I forgive you, why wouldn't I, I mean, I would be a little shooken up too if I found out my best friend was sleeping with her brother, but I forgive you. I love you so much Katie" I replied. She looked up at me and then looked over my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Brendon standing there, leaning on the wall, watching us with a smirk on his face. Katie walked over to Brendon and got really close and said "if you hurt her, I swear to god I will cut your dick off, peel it, burn it, sew it back on and then repeat the cycle. I'm not kidding, don't hurt her. She's basically my sister, so if you hurt her I'm gonna fucking kill you". Brendon was now pinned against the wall with his hands in the surrender position with wide eyes. "Okay, okay, I promise, I won't hurt her" he said quickly. Katie straightened her posture, smiled and said "good, love you B" and then hugged him. "Love you too Katie" he said and hugged back. I smiled at the sight. Brendon walked over to me and hugged me around the waist. I buried my face into his chest and breathed his scent it, coffee and old cologne with a faint smell of sex. It wasn't necessarily the best thing I've ever smelled but it was Brendon. And I love Brendon.

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