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*Brendon's P.O.V*

Today was just another normal day in hell- sorry, high school. The same thing happens everyday. I go to my first 4 periods, go to lunch, get bullied by my crush during lunch. Go to my last 2 periods and then go home.

My bully. Her name is Y/n. She has been bullying me since I was in 6th grade. People tell me to ignore her, but that's kinda hard to do when she's gorgeous. She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I wish I could call her mine. But I know that will never happen. I'm just a nerdy band kid. She won't ever want a guy like me.

             *Y/N P.O.V*

Today is another normal day at school. I went to school, I ate breakfast, I bullied my crush, and went on with my day.

My crush's name is Brendon Urie, I only bully him because all my friends are the extremely popular kids and I really want to fit in. But Brendon, he's the school nerd. He's in band class, he loves music a lot. He's adorable. He has brown hair, brown eyes, a nice smile, an amazing personality, he's just overall a beautiful person. I wish that I could be with him, but I think he hates me for bullying him so much.

       *time skip to Lunch*

I was trying to find a place to sit at lunch, but I couldn't find one, apparently there is a new kid at school and my 'friends' wanted to take him in and make him a popular kid.

The only open seat was at Brendon's table. Of fucking course.

He was sitting there with his friends, laughing.

God his smile is gorgeous.

Well, I guess I have to sit with them.

I walked up to them and sat down.

They all looked at me like I was crazy. One of Brendon's friends, Ryan I think it was, whispered not so quietly into his ear, "Hey, isn't this the bitch that keeps bullying you?"

Brendon looked at him with anger in his eyes.

"Dude, she's not a bitch, don't call bed a bitch" he replied.

My heart fluttered as he defended me.

"Hey, sorry I know I kinda came her unannounced, but there's a new kid and he took my place apparently. Is it okay if I sit here?" I asked

"Wait, they just replaced you with the new kid?" Brendon asked.

I nodded.

"Wow, you really need better friends. I would never do that to my friends. My true friends are what get me through everyday crap and they help me when I really need them the most" he said.

I smiled at his loyalty, but that quickly turned into a frown as I realized that the "everyday crap"...was me.

"Hey Brendon?" I asked.

He looked at me with wide eyes and replied with a hum.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

He nodded hesitantly and got up slowly. He gave Ryan a look of horror as we walked away.

When we turned the corner, he quickly ducked down into a fetal position and cried out "please don't hurt me!".

The sight almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Brendon, get up" I stuttered.

He got up slowly with pure terror in his eyes.

I hugged him and buried my face into the crook of his neck, tears running down my face.

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