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It was just me and my older brother Brendon, oh and Jessie. Yes, the Jessie Paege. Me and her were like best friends. She came over to hang out with us, which was good, cause I was bored.

"Oh, I bought candy! Hope you like jolly ranchers". Jessie said passing out jolly ranchers.

"My favorite!" I opened the candy and started eating it. Just then my tooth started to hurt. Brendon saw the expression on my face.

"Brianna!? What's wrong?" He asked. He looks at me with a worried face, while Jessie did the same.

"I have a toothache" I said. Brendon and Jessie looked at each other.

Brendon grabbed my hand and rushed me to his 'office'. Where I guess he was a dentist. Well, that's what I'm assuming.

"Brendon what are you doing!?" I ask. He tells me to sit in a chair.

"I'm going to get rid of the toothache" he said.

"Brendon! You're not a dentist! You may be my brother but I don't trust you with my teeth. I'll get rid of it myself" I said. That's when I get up and run to my room. Specifically my closet.

I hate dentists. Always have. I stay in my closet until it opens to Jessie. She tries to calm me down, then drags me back outside.

Jessie was the only one that knew that I hate dentists. She also knows that I hate needles, so whenever I see them I run.

Once we got back to the 'office', Brendon was frustrated because I wouldn't cooperate. So I started crying, and that's when Brendon knew. That I hated dentists.

So he rushes over and hugs me.

"Look I'm sorry Bri, you shouldn't be afraid, I would never hurt you and you know that Bri. I love you, you know that right?" He says.

"Yeah I know, I love you too Bren" I said. He hugs me once again.

So as you may know, I'm Brianna, I'm seventeen, I have brown hair, blue-greenish eyes, freckles, and I have a massive crush on Jessie.

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