The Teacher's Son

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    *I'm so sorry that this took so long, my writer's block has been so bad, this is the worst it's been, so please, give me ideas and I will right them. Also, this one is 2,547 words, that's the longest one I've ever done(that's what she said😂)*       

             *Y/N P.O.V*
          *SMUT WARNING*

"Good job Y/n, you got yet another A+ on this test" my math teacher said to me.

I smiled up at him and said "Thank you Mr. Urie".

"Can you come by after school please? I need to ask you something" he asked.

"Of course Mr. Urie" I replied.

I was always math teacher's favorite student.

Math was my best subject and I always participated in class.

My school was the cliche type. All the jocks asked me, the 'nerd' to do their homework for them and they would pay me.

But I didn't mind. I mean hey, money.

           *After School*

"Hey Mr. Urie, so what did you need me for?" I asked.

"Hey, so, my son is failing math and I just don't ever have the time to help him. Could you tutor him? I'll pay you" he asked.

"Of course I will Mr. Urie, What's your son's name?" I asked.

"His name is Brendon. He can be a handful sometimes, but other than that he is very kind. Only thing is, he has a severe case of ADHD, so don't mind him if he is being a spazz" he said.

"Okay, I'll take note of that. So when would you like me to tutor him?" I asked.

"Tonight, if that's at all possible" he replied.

"Okay, sure. I'll ask my mom but I'm sure that she'll be okay with it." I said.

He wrote down his address and I went home.

       *At Brendon's House*

I knocked on his house and Mr. Urie answered.

"Hey Y/n, hows it going" he asked.

"It's going good" I replied.

"Okay, well, Brendon is upstairs right now, just go up there and you can start" he said.

"Okay, thanks Mr. Urie" I replied.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door that said keep out on it.

I heard at faint "who is it" from the other side of the door.

"It's Y/n, I'm your tutor" I replied nervously.

I heard footsteps and when he opened that door I couldn't see anything because there was so much smoke coming out of his room.

I coughed loudly and held my hand over my mouth.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that?!" I said.

"Don't worry love, it's just some Mary Jane" he replied.

I looked up at him and I was at loss of words.

He was gorgeous. His messy brown hair sticking up in random angles, his brown eyes slightly covered by his eyelids, mostly because he was a little high. His lips that looked like if I kissed them I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Um, h-hey, I'm Y-y/n, I'm your tutor" I said nervously.

"Yeah I know, you told me when you knocked" he said with a small smirk

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