My friends older brother part 4

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

It's been about a month since everybody found out about Brendon and I being together. I've been having morning sickness for a while now and I'm starting to think that I really am pregnant. I'm at the drug store right now looking for the right test to buy. I found a good test and just bought the rest of them because there was only 3 left. I got in the car and drove home and saw Brendon pacing the living room while his parents and Katie watched him like he was crazy. When I walked in he ran up to me and whispered "did you get them?!". I nodded and he pulled me upstairs to the bathroom. I pulled the tests out of the bag and opened a three of the boxes up. "Okay, so, I got three just so we could make sure that I am for sure pregnant" I said. He nodded and handed me the first test. I pulled my pants down and peed a little bit on the first test, then the second and the third. After waiting about 5 minutes for all of them, Brendon came up to me from behind, wrapped his arms around my waist and said "now, no matter what these say, I'm going to stay with you and I'm going to raise this kid. I love you so much y/n". I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly. I turned the first one over and saw "positive". I turned the other 2 around and saw "positive" on both of them". I smiled and turned around to face Brendon. "Brendon, we're having a kid. I pregnant. I'm gonna be a mom. And your gonna be a dad. Oh my god Brendon I'm so happy!" I yelled forgetting there was other people in the house. "Oh my god, we gotta tell your parents and Katie!" I said. He nodded. I went to leave the bathroom to tell them but I was pulled back into the bathroom by my wrist and I ran into Brendon's chest. He held me tight around the waist and kissed me passionately. He broke away from the kiss and went down to my stomach and planted small gentle kisses on my abdomen. I smiled and ran my hands through his hair. He then put his ear up to my stomach and closed his eyes, just resting his head there. "God I love you buddy. I haven't even met you yet, but I love you so much." He said and then got up. He held me close by my hips and said "and I love you too" and then kissed me. I pulled back and said "I love you too B, so much". I pulled away from the hug and pulled him into the living room. Katie, Grace and Boyd all looked at us with worried faces. "Are you guys okay, we heard yelling?" Grace said. "Oh yeah, sorry about that, we're fine...but we do have something to tell you" I said as Brendon sat down. I sat on his lap as the both of us looked at the test that was in my lap. "So, we know it's really soon for this, but, I think I can handle this, I think we can handle this" I said. "Oh no, did he propose, god you idiot" Katie said and then smacked Brendon on the side of his head. "No I didn't propose, asshat!" He replied. I got up and held my belly just to see if they would get the hint. They didn't. So I took the test out of my back pocket and held it in my hand. "I'm pregnant" I said and handed them the test. They all dropped their jaws at the same time in disbelief. I giggled at their reaction and looked back at Brendon. He got up from the couch, came up to me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on the top of my head and smiled. "S-so your telling me t-that you, Y/n, is gonna be a mom and Brendon is gonna be a dad. And we're gonna be grandparents?!" Yelled Grace and Boyd. Katie chimed in and said "and I'm gonna be an aunt?!?". "Yes!" Brendon and I said at the same time. Katie walked up to me and hugged me really tightly. "I would really like to breath now" I gasped. "Oh god I'm sorry" she said quickly and pulled back from the hug. I chuckled and said "it's okay, just don't squeeze to hard next time". "So, how far along are you" Boyd asked. "About a month and a half, I've been having morning sickness since about 3 weeks ago" I replied. "I know I wasn't your biggest supporter when I first found out about you guys, but, I'm really happy for you guys. Brendon, your gonna be a great dad and Y/n, your gonna be a great mom. Congrats." Grace said. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you Grace, that means a lot to us" I replied and then pulled away from the hug. Brendon hugged me from behind and put his hands on my stomach protectively. I smiled and turned my head so I was facing him. He pecked me quickly on the lips and smiled. God my life is perfect.

*hey guys, sorry this took so long to publish. Would you guys want another part to this series? I'll make one if you want one*

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