I Hate You

718 12 9

This was requested by bananapoptart

Word Count: 1,590

⚠️Slight self harm, and abuse warning⚠️

         *Y/N P.O.V*

I shuffled out of my Physics classroom, quietly walking down the hall hoping nobody would notice me.

I turned the corner and instantly ran into a firm chest.

I looked up to see who it was and saw the infamous smirk of Brendon Urie.

I rolled my eyes and groaned at him, trying to move away from him.

He grabbed my waist, pushing me against the lockers.

He placed his hand on my thigh, running it up my leg until it was under my skirt.

I scowled you at him. Trying to keep my cool as he towered over me.

No matter how much I hate him. No matter how many times he can bully me, I still can't get over the immense crush I had on him.

He was just so charming and very smooth with his words.

And don't even get me started in his looks.

He has big brown eyes, fluffy hair that usually sticks out in odd angles, luscious lips and a dazzling smile.

And sometimes when he smiles wide enough, he's got this adorable squinty eye thing-

Okay. I really need to stop. Or else I'm going to fall in love with this simpleton.

I pushed him off of me, making him stumble back.

He had a slight look of surprise painted on his face.

"Don't ever corner me again" I said as I pointed at him.

He just kept smirking at me.

I groaned and just decided to walk away.

"See you later sweetheart" he said smugly.

I rolled my eyes at his words and just kept walking.

After leaving the school, I was walking down the sidewalk and was almost home.

I heard running behind me, so I turned around and I was immediately met with a hard body running into me.

I fell to the ground and groaned as I felt a heavy body on top of mine.

"Get off of me" I said and tried to push the person off of me.

The person got up and I saw who it was.

Of course it had to be him.


"What the fuck Brendon?!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry" he said.

"Sorry? Really? You knocked me to the ground and you want to say sorry? Wow, you really are an ass" I exclaimed.

He laughed at my outburst, making me even more angry at him.

"Will you please just shut up!!" I yelled, making him actually shut up for once.

I looked at him with a weird look on my face. Surprised that he actually shut up.

"Okay, I'm sick and tired of you being such an asshole to me. I'm sick and tired of you bullying me so much to where I cry myself to sleep at night. I hate you so much and I hate myself even more because I actually like you" I yelled but then immediately covered my mouth at the realization of my words.

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