50's Boys

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*If you've never seen the Back to the Future movies then this will most likely be confusing to you. For the sake of the story, let's pretend that Marty is the readers best friend who is also friends with Doc, and Brendon is going to be apart of Biff's crew from the 50's. Not everything is going to be exactly like the movie, I'm going to change some things. Also this is one of my favorite movies of all time. They're all on Netflix if you want to watch them*

*Y/N P.O.V*

Doc told me to meet him in the mall parking lot at 1:15am and that's exactly where I am right now.

In a DeLoreon time machine because if we "build a time machine, might as well do it with style" as Doc likes to say.

I'm flooring the gas to try and get away from the Libyans that killed Doc and I almost got up to 88 but I had to turn the corner.

I looked back to see where the Lybians were and they were tailing right behind me so I floored the gas again and I took my chances to make it up to 88 mph.

I made up to 88 right before I hit a small stand.

Suddenly I was driving in a grassy field, heading right towards a barn.

The car crashed into the barn and before I was able to get out of the car, a family of four walked into the barn.

I heard an older voice say "What is it Paul?"

"Looks like an airplane, without wings" said who I was assuming, Paul.

"That ain"t no airpline- look!" said a small voice.

I decided to get out of that barn before things got out of hand.

I heard people screaming and that was when I realized I had the plutonium protection suit still on.

I took the helmet off and ran out of the barn.

After running for a while, I came across a sign that said "Hill Valley : 2 miles".

I sighed and started walking towards the city.

*1 Hour Later*

After about an hour of walking, I finally made it to Hill Valley.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The time machine must have worked.

Everything looked great, it was clean and bright and everyone looked so happy.

The cars were so old, well I guess they were new here.

I kept running into people as I kept gawking at everything.

A man threw his newspaper into the trash can, so I quickly ran over and grabbed it to check the date.

Sure enough, it said: November 5th, 1955.


I need to call Doc.

I quickly found a coffee shop that had a sign that said that they had a phone.

I walked in and looked around at the 50's style diner.

"Did ya jump ship or somethin?" said the waiter.

I looked at him with a confused face.

He pointed at me and said "What's with the life preserver?".

Then I realized that the fashion in the 50's and the 80's was very different, I was wearing a vest.

"I just need to use your phone" I said.

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