True Blood

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*I want to warn you that this is solely based on the show True Blood, if you haven't watched it than this might seem pretty weird to you. If you want to watch it, I think you should but, I warn you, there are so many extremely graphic sex scenes in that show*

*Smut Warning*

*Y/N P.O.V*

I stood in the town hall along with all the other people of Bon Temps as we all watched the mayor Sam Merlott talk.

"I'm sure all of you guys are familiar with the Hepatitis V. Since this has been going around, vampires are going to need a human that they can feed on so they can survive and in return, your vampire will be your protection from other vampires and werewolves" Sam said.

I widened my eyes and heard audible gasps from the rest of the town.

"How is that gonna work" I asked, genuinely worried about having a vampire feed on me knowing that he could potentially kill me with one bite.

"Well all of us are going to line up and then we will pair you with a vampire" Sam said in response.

I sighed and nodded slightly.

About half an hour later we were lined up and were being assigned our vamps.

I finally got to the front of the line and Sam wrote my name down on a clipboard.

"Well Hi Y/n, I hope you're having a good day today" Sam asked me with a smile.

I gave a weak smile and said "Well I definitely could be better, but no point in complaining. I'm still gonna have to deal with this".

"I like your way of thinkin" Sam replied with a small smile.

I just nodded in response, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"So it looks like you will be paired with a vamper named Brendon. He's about 1,500 years old. He's very powerful, but from what I've heard he's a gentleman so I guess you got lucky with that. Be careful please" Sam explained to me.

I flashed a fake smile at him.

I wasn't necessarily afraid of vampires, my best friend Sookie was practically married to Bill who is indeed a vamper. But I was always hesitant around them. After all they could easily kill me if they wanted to.

I walked into a tent and saw a few men.

One was sitting down and the rest were standing around the sitting man.

The sitting man stood up and stared at me.

I saw that he was wearing a dark blood red suit. How fitting.

 How fitting

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Wow. I thought to myself.

This vamper sure is handsome.

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, giving it a soft kiss.

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