My friends older brother part 5

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             *Y/N's P.O.V*
           *8 months later*

"BRENDON!!!" I yelled. I heard thumps on on the stairs. "Yes Love?" He replied sweetly. "Can you get me some watermelon please?" I asked. "Of course babe" he said. "Thank you baby" I replied. Its been 8 months since I found out I was pregnant. I haven't been at school because I didn't want to deal with the comments other people would make. Brendon was still going though to school though, he wanted to graduate. We explained everything to the principle and he understood everything. "Alright I'll be right back, I'm going to the store babe" he said as he grabbed his keys and walks out the door.

It's been about 15 minutes since Brendon left and I started to feel pain in my lower back area. And then I felt it. My water broke. "KATIE!! GRACE!!! BOYD!!! WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled while holding my stomach. "WHY WHATS WRONG?!" Katie yelled as she ran up the stairs. "My water broke, the baby's coming!" I yelled back. "Oh my god, okay. MOM, THE BABY'S COMING, WE NEED TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!!" She yelled. "Call Brendon" I said. "Okay I will" she said and then took her phone out to call Brendon. "Brendon, Okay Brendon I need you to go to the hospital. Y/n is having the baby" she told him. I heard a scream from the phone and Katie pulled the phone away from her ear. "Geesus, you don't have to blow my fucking eardrum out...okay I'll see you at the hospital" she hung up the phone and said "Brendon is on his way to the hospital right now". I nodded and stared crying as I felt a contraction.

          *At The Hospital*

We got to the hospital and Grace yelled "there's a baby on the way we need to get her to a delivery room immediately!". The doctors and nurses immediately ran to us and got me in a bed and took us to a room. I felt another contraction hit but this time is wasn't too bad. "Would you like an Epidural?" One of the nursed asked. I nodded quickly and got up a little bit so they could inject it into my spine. Just as they were injecting it I heard Brendon running into the room screaming "DID THE BABY COME YET?!". I laughed and said "you must not know anything about child birth because it takes at least a few hours for me to get fully dilated". He sighed a sigh of relief and sat down next to me. "How is the pain?" He asked softly while running circles on my hand with his thumb. "The pain is pretty bad but I just got an epidural shot in my spine so that will take most of the pain away." I replied. He kissed my hand and said "don't worry, you can get through this, your the strongest woman I know". I smiled and lied my head down on the pillow and before I knew it I fell asleep.

          *7 hours later*

"Miss Y/n, you need to wake up, you fully dilated and ready to give birth." The doctor said and propped my legs up on the leg rests. I took a deep breath and said "okay, I'm ready" and took Brendon's hand in mine. "Hold my hand as tight as you need to babe. You got this" Brendon said. I smiled slightly, but my smile was interrupted by the doctor saying "alright y/n, 3,2,1 push!!" I pushed as hard as I could, squeezing Brendon's hand as hard as I could. I squeezed his hand so hard that I felt a pop. "I'm sorry babe" I said through clenched teeth, and little bit of panic in my voice, not wanting to hurt him. "It's okay hun, your can do this" he replied and kissed my hand softly. I smiled softly at the sweet gesture. "A few more pushes and were done, 3,2,1 push!!" The doctor said. I pushed as hard as I could. "Your almost there, one more push 3,2,1 push!" The doctor said again. "And here is your baby boy!!" The doctor said. Brendon and I looked at each other and I broke down crying. I was so happy. I've always wanted a son, ever since I was little. "What's wrong?" Brendon asked through tears. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I've just always wanted a son ever since I was a little girl." I replied through sobs. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed the top of head and said "well, now we have a baby boy". I smiled. "Would the father like to come and sit the cord?" The nurses asked. He widened his eyes and stuttered while saying "uh, y-yeah s-sure". I giggled at his nervousness. He went over to the nurses and I heard a small snip.

Brendon came over with our baby in his arms. That's so new to me. Our baby. Brendon and I created a human being. How amazing is that. He looked at me and said softly "what do you want to name him?". I smiled and thought of the perfect name. "Jack Sage Urie" I replied with a large smile plastered on my face. "It's perfect. He's perfect" Brendon said whole looking into Jack's eyes, holding his pinky out while Jack gripped his pinky. I smiled at the sight. I held my arms out, asking to hold Jack. Brendon carefully placed Jack into my arms as I cried happy tears. Jack looked into my eyes and I saw that he had Brendon's eyes. Big, brown, beautiful eyes. He had his nose. "He has your eyes Bren" I said. Brendon chuckled and said "well, he's sure gonna be one with the ladies then". I jokingly slapped his shoulder along with a playful glare. All of a sudden jack started to cry. Brendon looked at me, at Jack and then the nurse with wide eyes. "What's wrong?! Is there something wrong?!" He slightly yelled with panic in his voice. I giggled at his panicking. "He's alright, he's probably just hungry" the nurse said. "Okay, well then, let's get him a burger or something" Brendon said. I have him the 'really' look. He looked at me and said "what?". "Do you really think that a new born baby can eat a burger? I have to breast feed him idiot" I replied. "Oh...ew" he said. I glared at him and said "I just gave birth to a tiny human that came out of my vagina and you want to say that a baby sucking on my titty is gross. Wow". He stuck his hands up in surrender and said "sorry babe". I looked at the nurse and saw her trying to stifle back a laugh.

*im sooooooooo sorry I took so long to write this. I had finals that I had to study for and I was really stressed and I didn't really have time to write stuff*

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