The Mafia

998 7 16

Random pic of B cause why not lol

*message to the person that requested this. I typed this all up, and it took me a long time, (like a few weeks). I reread your request and realized that it wasn't really what you asked for. But I hope you like this, because I really didn't want to erase everything and rewrite it😬*

Kinky as fuck
Daddy kink
Oral, giving and receiving
Multiple orgasms

This was requested by @beautifulieroway

Word Count: 3,234

             *Y/N P.O.V*

My father was the leader of one of the most famous Mafia's.

That meant that I was a big target for other leaders.

Specifically those leaders sons.

The Urie Mafia was extremely interested in me.

Their son, Brendon, was looking for a significant other and I guess I was number one on his list.

My dad and I were watching a movie together, we had always had a great bond.

Especially after my mom was killed by another Mafia leader.

They wanted to hurt us in the worst way possible.

And they did.

They kidnapped my mom and tortured her in some of the worst ways imaginable, and then killed her.

As we were watching the movie, we kept hearing little noises.

We just brushed it off as creaks in the old house we lived in.

During a chillingly quiet part of the movie, we heard loud gunshots outside.

I jumped when the power went out and tried to look for my father.

"Dad!? Dad!!" I yelled, trying to maneuver in the dark.

I felt a large hand rest on my belly, pushing my back to their strong chest.

The man whispered in my ear "if you try any tricks, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your fathers head".

My stomach dropped at the thought of my dad dying.

I nodded softly.

I couldn't help but feel a fluttering feeling in my stomach as his large hand covered my whole belly.

This man was strong.

Very strong.

But he wasn't built like a wrestler.

His chest felt firm, yet oddly comforting.

I hesitantly rested my head against his shoulder.

I still didn't know who this was and what he looked like, but for some reason I felt safe.

All of a sudden I smelt an extremely strong smell of chemicals being shoved in my face from a rag.

I tried to not breath in for as long as I could, but I couldn't hold my breathe any longer.

I breathed in and my body fell limp in the strange man's arms.

Guess I can't trust him any more

*the next morning*

I woke up in a bed, that wasn't my own.

The memories of last night came rushing through me.

Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now