Chapter 4: Youngjae's Doubts

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Mark POV

Youngjae and I made it to the Ahgase Shop fairly quickly...granted Youngjae was basically running, but still. The alluring smell of BBQ filled the air as soon as you stepped inside. My mouth watered just at the scent and Youngjae's did as well. Thank goodness it was just the two of us, we got seated pretty quickly compared to some of the larger parties. As I browsed the menu my stomach growled at all the different options, I couldn't wait to eat something.

When we sit down a tall, dark-haired guy steps up to us. He looks at Youngjae alluringly, no doubt checking him out. "Hi I'm Jaebum and I'll be your waiter. What can I get you guys?" We place our food and drink order to the waiter, who Youngjae seemed to also be infatuated with. "Bro you were staring at the waiter the entire time," I slyly say. "I was not!" he defensively says. "You totally were. I saw it in your eyes. You thought he was cute." "I did not!" "Dude if you like dudes I don't really care. I'm from LA that shit is so normal over there." I wasn't lying. I didn't care who Youngjae liked, I just wanted to tease him, to be honest. Youngjae lets out a deep sigh. "Okay, maybe he was a little cute." I let out a big laugh. "I knew it! Now you have to pay for the bill!" Youngjae flails in a panic while smiling, "That's not fair!"

"Here is your order!" Before we knew it, Jaebum the waiter brought out our food. The service sure was fast here, unless Jaebum was just trying to impress Youngjae. "Thank you!" we tell him simultaneously. "Enjoy! I'll be at the counter if you need anything." Youngjae was slightly blushing, clearly not slightly enough because it was written all over his face. "You better slip him your number." "Shut up!," the flustered Youngjae cried out!

"So what do you think of the food?," Youngjae asks as I take my first bite. My eyes go wide as the tender, perfect, delicious BBQ enters my mouth. I give him a thumbs up. "Told you that you would like it. Did you thank the stranger?" "...His name is Jackson...He seems nice", I reply while chewing. "Yeah he seems nice...but you don't even know him. What if he's not even a he? What if he's like a creepy 50-year old man! And Jackson...sounds like a foreigner. What if he's a criminal who came here to evade the law!? Mark what if you're talking to a pedophile!?" Youngjae did have a point. I didn't even know Jackson. He could be lying about everything, but part of me wanted to believe what he's said. I mean what would he get out of lying to someone who just moved here? He didn't even know me. It'd be pretty weird if he lied to me for no reason.

"Whatever it's not like anything's gonna happen. What else could the guy get out of texting me? What else would he even text me about?" "I'm just saying Mark be careful." I look over to see Jaebum glancing at us. "And I'm just saying Youngjae, you better give Jaebum your number, he seems pretty into you." Youngjae nearly spit his food out before punching me in the arm.

Youngjae did have a point. Mom always said never talk to strangers, so why was I even talking to Jackson? I couldn't come to an answer, but I could worry about that later, all I wanted to worry about now was eating all this BBQ and filling my stomach.


If you didn't notice I tried to keep the chapters to-the-point so you could just keep going. Hopefully it's reading pretty easily and flows. If not oh well I'm a flop lol.

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