Chapter 11: Tutoring Begins

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Jackson POV

Professor Yubin emailed me to inform me that she had found me a tutor for my poor performance. It would be Mark. The news filled me with euphoria and I was overjoyed that I would be spending more time with Mark. To be honest I looked at the course material after class and it's really easy I probably don't even need a tutor. I just miss all the lessons and due dates of our assignments because I'm always looking at Mark. He's perfect. If I didn't have a crush on him before (which I did) I definitely had one on him now. His bright red hair, sweet eyes, and soft lips. He's perfect and I can never take my eyes off of him when we're together, which is a lot of the time. I just don't think he realizes how I feel...I don't even know how he feels. I just want to spend every minute with him and he's all I think about.

To: Mark

Jackson: I heard you're gonna be my tutor Tuna

Mark: Lmfao Tuna? And yeah I am. We'll get you passing in no time! :)

Jackson: Are you sure you're gonna be able to teach the WILD and SEXY Jackson!? ;)

Mark: Lol pls no.I'll do my best ;) See you, Monday Wang.

Monday came along and it was time for my first tutoring session with Mark. Before the tutoring even began I made sure to look over the material beforehand, that way I could spend more time with Mark. After class, we decided to head to the library, a place we commonly did our homework together. As soon as we walked in we realized how packed it was. There was no way we were getting a seat. "Uh...I don't think we're gonna be able to get a seat here Mark." "The library is never crowded I don't get it..." I then came up with my genius idea. "We could go to my house, Mark." He looked unsure. "Are you sure it'd be okay with your parents?" "My parents are in Hong Kong remember? I live alone." "Oh yeah right, well are you sure?" I nod. "Of course my house is super clean! Plus, it'll be quieter there than it is here. Fewer people." Mark looked like he a bit hesitant and was thinking about saying no. "Sure. Why not?" As the two of us head to my house from the school I look at Mark to my side. Come to think of it, Mark has never been to my house before. I was excited just thinking about it.


Jackson be crushing hard ...did you like hearing the story from his perspective? Tried to mix it up lol.

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