Chapter 17: Jinyoung

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3rd Person POV

In the morning the clouds and rain had faded away, leaving only sunshine to come through Mark's window. The bright rays reflected off of Mark's face, waking him up from his sleep. He saw Jackson laying next to him. Though he was taken aback at first he remembered the events that transpired overnight. "You're such a baby," he whispered to the younger, before getting out of bed carefully, making sure not to wake the younger.

Jackson walked out of Mark's room rubbing his eyes and letting out a big yawn. Remembering what happened last night put Jackson in a great mood. He slept next to Mark, nearly kissed him. He got a burst of hope that perhaps they were more than just friends. A sweet smell filled the air which Jackson followed to the kitchen. He saw Mark standing in front of the stove in an apron. "Did you make breakfast!?" Mark turned to face the younger. "Good morning to you too sleepyhead." "Good morning Marky. What'd you make?" "Pancakes," he softly said. He pointed to Jackson's plate which sat on the table  "Now eat up. It's gonna get cold." Jackson took his seat at the table returning the elder's smile with one of his own.

Jackson ate Mark's pancakes which were really good. Silence filled the air as the boy's engulfed the food. Mark eventually broke the silence. "I have to go shopping after this, you wanna go?" Mark asked Jackson. Jackson nodded in agreement happily before shoving more pancakes into his mouth.

The two boys entered the mall stopping at a clothing store. "I need a new shirt to match these jeans my mom sent me," Mark said showing Jackson a picture of the jeans. Jackson held Mark's hand dragging him through the entire store to find different shirts. "How about this one?" "No that's ugly Jackson." The two repeated this exchange over and over again. Their playfulness, of course, ended up coming out. It always did when they were together. The two threw shirts at each other while bickering like an old married couple. The two's antics caught the eye of one of the employees who grabbed a shirt and walked over to the two.

"I see you're having trouble finding a shirt, how about this one?" Mark turned to the smiling employee holding a stylish shirt in hand. "I like it! I'll take it!" "Alright follow me to the register." The two boys followed the worker to his register. "Mark Tuan right?" the employee asked. "Yeah have we met?" "My name is Jinyoung. I'm the president of the school's radio club. You're from LA right? I heard you're really smart." "Ahh, so you're the voice that fills the school's radio every morning. And I gu--" "He's really smart!" Jackson blurted out. Jinyoung laughed. "I'm not doing so great right now in my own classes, so you'll have to tutor me sometime." "I already tutor Jackson here but maybe if I find the time." Jinyoung warmly smiled. "Sounds good. It's gonna be 25,000 won." "Let me pay for it Marky." "It's fine Jackson I got it." "No Mark let me pay!" "Jacks I said I got it." Jackson shoved Mark's arms out of the way as the latter tried to take out his wallet. It caused Jackson to fall on top of Mark, the latter heavily blushing. "Consider it a thank you for letting me sleep over and cooking breakfast," Jackson said before kissing the older's forehead. "AsfdmkhszfklsJ Jackson stop!" The older cringed at the younger's action but both giggled. Jackson got up and paid for the shirt. "Have a good day," Jinyoung said. "Thanks! Let's go, Mark!" Jackson took the bag and carried Mark piggyback style out of the store. Jinyoung watched the two boys run out the store with a devilish smirk on his face.


Things keep heating up between our Markson couple. What do you think is gonna happen? Also, Jinyoung has made his appearance...he's quite the devil...what do I mean? Gonna have to keep reading to find out.

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