Chapter 10: The Professor's Request

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Mark POV

After my outing with Jackson, I return home, Youngjae sitting on the couch watching TV. "Tuan you're back. Late." I look down trying not to meet Youngjae's inspecting eyes. "Where were you?" I sigh. "Sooooo Youngjae, I uh, met Jackson." Youngjae instantly sprung up from the couch to look at me more closely. "YOU WHAT!?" "I met Jackson." Youngjae ran up to me inspecting my body from head to toe. "Was he a creepy old guy? A criminal? Was he an alien? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I laughed at how overdramatic he was being. "Why are you laughing? What did he do?" I grab Youngjae's shoulder. "You're so overdramatic! He goes to our school." Youngjae started flailing and screaming. "HE GOES TO OUR SCHOOL!? WHAT WAS HE LIKE!? WAS HE NICE!? WAS HE CUTE!? DO YOU LIKE HIM!?" I let out a deep sigh with a smile on my face. "He was really nice. He really seems to care about me. I mean yeah he's handsome but I told you I'm not g--" "Do you have a picture of him?! Show me a picture of him!"

I go to Jackson's Instagram profile that I followed earlier in the day and let Youngjae scroll through. "Oh, I've seen him around before. He's cute...yeah you guys would be cute together." "Haha, will you stop we're just friends." "Yeah, that's what you say now." "Will you quit it?," I tell him while laughing. "Fine but don't 'Youngjae you were right me' when you two end up together." Youngjae is so crazy shipping Jackson and I together like this. I mean I only met him once. I barely know him, but I couldn't help but admit I was excited to finally have another friend in Korea.

I continue to tell Youngjae about Jackson and our outing together over dinner. The more and more I talk about him, the more and more Youngjae ships us. Quite annoying, but I let him have his fun.

Jackson and I grew to be really close friends over the next few weeks. I spent most of my days with him, and Youngjae didn't mind. He was too busy with his boyfriend, Jaebum the waiter. Jackson and I went to the stores after school, ate lunch together and did homework in the library together. I was always really happy when I was with him.

After my last class of the day ends, Jackson left because he had to run an errand. Before I could leave, Professor Yubin, the history teacher, came up to me after class. "Mark I have a favor to ask of you." "Oh, sure Professor what's up?" "I don't know if you realize but you have the highest grade out of everyone in this class." "Oh, I do?" She nods. "That's not a bad thing thought Mark because I have a huge favor to ask." "Sure Professor what is it?" "It's Jackson Wang. You know the student that sits next to you?" "Uh yeah, we're friends why?" "Jackson is struggling in this class and I was wondering if you'd be up to tutoring him? I don't know why but he could use the help." Tutoring Jackson? Was he really struggling that much? He never mentioned it to me. "You'd get extra credit of course." "Sure," I instantly say. "Thank you! I'd really appreciate your help. You'll start on Monday, I'll send him an email letting him now right now! Thank you again!" If I wasn't spending enough time with Jackson, I definitely would be now as his tutor, but I wasn't mad about it. Jackson and I always had fun together and we were already together much of the time, so tutoring wouldn't be an issue. Let's just hope I can get history through his thick skull!


More time for Markson to hang out...what's gonna happen? Hope this isn't too boring. Oh well.

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