Chapter 28: Crazy For You

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Mark POV

After Jackson and I finally became an official couple, we leave the school heading to my place to share the news with Youngjae. "Why didn't you tell me about the Jinyoung thing? I would've put a stop to his antics." "I was too blind with worry...about you know other people." "Who cares? Maybe if you told me you would've realized you liked me back sooner." I blush. "Stoppppp it doesn't matter we're together now," I playfully say. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," Jackson replies, quickly pecking my cheek.

We step inside the house and I don't see Youngjae anywhere. "Youngjae I'm home." After some silence, I hear a faded. "Okay." "Youngjaeeee...I didn't come alone." Youngjae suddenly comes sprinting from the kitchen. "JACKSON!?" Youngjae sees the young Chinese male standing beside me and runs up to him. "Oh my god, you didn't leave! Thank goodness! Isn't this the first time we're meeting? Hi, I'm Youngjae!" I laugh. "He knows who you are Youngjae." Youngjae turns and begins punching my arm! "So!? I don't want to be rude!" Jackson laughs at his antics. "Hey careful with my boyfriend." Youngjae looks at me and begins shaking me. "Boyfriend!? Oh my god, he accepted you!? You two are dating!?" I nod. Youngjae begins sprinting around the living room. "AHH! I'M SO HAPPY! I'M SO HAPPY!" Jackson smiles and takes my hand. "I have to tell JB! I won! I won the bet!" "Wait...what?" we simultaneously say. "Oh, nothing!" Youngjae says before running to his room. "Ah...Youngjae! You're so crazy!" I yell. "Listen dummy I'm sleeping at Jackson's tonight okay!?" "Youngjae peeks his head out from his room, phone to his ear. "Hold on babe. Okay, Mark, that's fine!" I look at my boyfriend lovingly before grabbing his hand and heading out the door.

As we walk to Jackson's house we laugh making small talk. "I...I just can't believe this is all happening." "What do you mean?" Jackson says to me. "If you told me that all of this was gonna happen after moving to Seoul,  I would've thought you were crazy." "Well, it happened," Jackson chuckled. "I'm crazy though." Jackson turns to me confused. "Crazy in love with you," I playfully remark. "Aish--" Jackson grabs his neck before bringing my face to his, placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I'm crazy for you too Mark."


Short chapter but I admit this was some filler :( Sorry if it was bad y'all. But Markson so in love its s'cute.

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