Chapter 12: Eyes on You

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Mark POV

Once we got to the house Jackson gave me a quick house tour. The house was huge, so much bigger than Youngjae's place. His parents must be rich to be able to afford a place like this, and Jackson had the entire place to himself. "Bruh your house is uber big." Jackson chuckled. Afterward, he gave me some snacks and we sat down to start the tutoring.

"So what year did that take place?" "That's easy, it's 1848." "Jackson, how are you failing this class? You've gotten everything right that we've gone over...without my help." Jackson lit up with a bright smile. "To be honest I don't pay attention in class, and I just learn all the material at home. But because of this I always miss what the homework is and when the tests are. Haha." "Why don't you pay attention?" Jackson puts his hand on his neck and appears to hesitate. "To be honest it's because I'm always looking at you, Mark." For some reason, my cheeks flush a rosy pink. Jackson clearly notices my blushing face. "I'm really glad we met Mark." I look at the Chinese male in front of me unsure what to say. "Anyways this is boring. Let's watch a movie!" Jackson suddenly turns a movie on.

As the movie comes on I find Jackson's head resting upon my shoulder. For some reason, I have butterflies in my stomach, and it wasn't because of the movie. Once it ends I bid Jackson farewell and head back home.

Once I enter the door to Youngjae's place I'm bombarded with questions. "How did it go? Is Jackson dumb? Did you teach him? Did you kiss? How was it?" Youngjae is nearly an inch from my face before I can even speak. "It was fine and no we didn't kiss...dude chill." "Of course it went well, don't you like him?" "What do you mean? Of course, I like him." "SEE YOU DO LIKE HIM!" "Not like that Youngjae." "Uh huh...sureeeeeeeeee...," he sarcastically replies. He is crazy. Just then, my phone buzzes.

From: Jackson

Jackson: Thanks for tutoring me. I had fun today. Hope you did too :)

Mark: Even though I didn't tutor you much did I.

Jackson: Can you promise me two things?

Mark: What lol

Jackson: Don't tell the teacher I don't need tutoring.

Mark: Okieee I won't.

Jackson: And promise to stay by my side forever.

I stare at my phone in confusion and a bit of shock. I didn't know what to say. Jackson just dropped this randomly out of nowhere. I don't even know what he exactly means. I guess if it makes him happy, I'll answer his promise.

Mark: Sure.

Jackson: Thanks Marky. Good night.

I put down my phone and laid down on the couch. Since the tutoring session, I just had this strange feeling in my gut I couldn't shake. I can't describe it but I just feel strange about everything. No one has ever asked me to stay by their side forever. I haven't even known Jackson that long, but there was just something about him that made me want to spend time with him. It was like Jackson filled a missing void in my life. "Marky huh?" I look up to see Youngjae looking at my phone. "That's cute." "Youngjae stop! It's nothing just a nickname!" I throw a pillow at him. "Sure Mark. Whatever you say. I got my eyes on you two though."


Mark wake up dude...we all know what that feeling is. And yes I used Eyes on You to make a Got7 reference. 

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