Chapter 16: Thunder

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3rd Person POV

After spending the day lounging and watching a ton of movies, per usual, night fell and it was time for Jackson to go home. "I should probably get going it's late Mark." "Let me walk you out at least." The two boys headed for the door and paused as Mark opened it. Though neither could really say, the feeling between them was different. As Mark opened the door, both boys looked outside upon realizing it was raining. "Oh no, it's raining Jackson." "It's fine I don't live that far from here, I'll manage." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." Just then a clap of thunder broke the silence outside. Jackson screamed. "Are you okay dude?" "Yeah uh...I'm fine." Thunder struck once again. "Actually...uh Mark can I please stay?" "But I thought you could 'manage'?" Mark playfully says. "I can! It's just uh--uh--" "Jackson are you scared of thunder?" "No, I am not! I--" Thunder boomed yet again, Jackson screamed even louder. "OKAY YES I'M SCARED OF THUNDER! PLEASE MARK LET ME STAY!" Mark was laughing hysterically. "Fine get in here you big lump."

Jackson stepped back inside the house. "You can sleep on the sofas out here, I'm going to bed. It's late." Mark said. He threw Jackson pillows and some blankets. Jackson nodded in agreement and watched as Mark walked into his room, quietly closing the door behind him. Jackson silently laid on the couch his mind weighing in on what it did every night...Mark. He was a kind, funny, angel who had an attractive awkwardness about him. His fiery red hair, his sweet eyes, his soft lips, his funny laugh. Everything about Mark was perfect. He was so in love with him that it hurt.

Jackson was drifting off to sleep when another clap of thunder struck the air. He cringed and gripped his blanket tightly. Then another, and another, it seemed nonstop. Jackson couldn't take it. He got up and quickly walked down the hallway, stopping in front of Mark's room. He stared at the closed door questioning what he was about to do. Once thunder boomed again, he knocked on Mark's door instantly and slowly opened it. He saw the sweet boy fast asleep, lying comfortably in his bed. Mark's queen-sized bed had plenty of room, so Jackson didn't feel as bad climbing into bed next to Mark. The disturbance woke Mark up, he rubbed his eyes before seeing Jackson next to him.

"Jackson? What are you doing?" "I'm sorry Marky I'm really scared, the thunder it was too loud, please let me stay here." Still, half-asleep Mark mumbled. "Fine." He probably didn't even realize but he wrapped himself around the younger. Jackson blushed and was suddenly very comfortable. It was as if he was where he was meant to be. He wrapped his arms tightly around Mark, the older's head resting on his chest. "Thank you," he mumbled. "You're welcome," Mark responded. "I lov--" Jackson cut himself off. Mark definitely heard him as he suddenly seemed to be fully awake and looked up, meeting Jackson's eyes. The two boys stared into each other's orbs deeply. They were moving closer and closer to one another. Their lips were only centimeters apart and they could feel each other's breath. It happened so naturally...just like the thunder. An extremely loud bolt of thunder struck, causing Jackson to jump and move away from the older just before their lips made contact.

After the moment was interrupted by thunder, both flustered boys returned to their original position. They didn't say a word. Mark was deep in thought about what had almost happened. he was in awe. He had almost kissed another guy. Jackson, on the other hand, was disappointed and hating thunder more than ever. Mark's soft voice suddenly broke the silence. "Good night Jacks..." Before Jackson realized, Mark was fast asleep. "Good night Mark," Jackson softly whispered, placing a kiss on the older's forehead.


This was hands down one of my favorite chapters to write. Can you sense the chemistry? Hopefully yes. Fun fact: The almost kiss was a super last minute addition to the chapter. Originally Mark just fell asleep, but then ya boi was like...we have to spice it up a bit here. ;) This is gonna come into play with the incoming conflict(s)?? STAY TUNED!

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