Chapter 21: Broken

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3rd Person POV

Lunchtime came around the following day and Mark headed up to the roof of the school. Butterflies filled his stomach, his mind on edge, not only from doing Jinyoung's work but also because of wondering about Jackson and what was so crucial. As much as he didn't want to see Jackson he found himself hurrying to meet the young Chinese male. By the time he reached the rooftop Jackson was already waiting for him on a bench. Unlike the excitement and optimism that usually filled Jackson's eyes when they met, Mark was instead met with a serious, and fierce gaze from the Chinese male.

"Hey," the younger muttered. "Hi," Mark replied, somewhat rudely back. He stood in front of Jackson both arms crossed, not even allowing their eyes to meet. "What's so important Wang?" Jackson let out a deep sigh. "Did I make you mad Mark?" Mark doesn't answer, instead, looking off to the distance. "You don't talk to me anymore, you avoid me every chance you get, you leave me on read, and keep canceling our tutoring sessions. What's up with you?" Mark doesn't speak yet again, his mind distracted with worry that people, maybe even Jinyoung, were seeing the two of them together. "I'm leaving," Mark firmly said before beginning to walk off. "No don't leave! I'm not done talking to you!" Mark continued to walk off. "YOU'RE BREAKING THE PROMISE YOU MADE ME!!" Jackson yelled out, the frustration on his face clearly visible. Mark turned and faced the younger again. Jackson grabbed Mark by the wrist and pulled him close. Mark's heart continued to beat faster and faster, especially when he saw students looking at the two. "You promised you would stay by my side forever. And you're clearly not doing that. You're being a crappy friend."

Mark pulled his hands away and backed away to separate himself from Jackson. He finally opened his mouth and spoke. "And why me!? Why can't you find another friend to keep your stupid promise!? Why are you so obsessed with me all the time!? You always want to be near me, Wang!? Why I don't get it? What's so different about me that you always want to be with me!?" Jackson looked down slowly, not wanting to speak or even look at Mark. "..." "Speak you asshole, you're the one who dragged me here!" "..." "Why!? What's so crucial!?" Jackson let out a deep sigh. "Because I like you, Mark." Mark stared at the younger in shock, he began to look around nervously, afraid other students had heard. "And you can't deny there's something between us Mark I know you feel it too! I'm sorry if I was giving you mixed signals but I--" "Just shut up! Stop lying!" "I'm not Mark, I like you." "STOP! SHUT UP!" "Mark do you have any idea what you're doing to me!? I like y--" Before he could finishing speaking a hard fist knocked Jackson to the ground. He held his mouth in pain, anger setting in as he looked at Mark. Blood fell from his lips. He never thought Mark would hit him. "You're disgusting Jackson! Do yourself a favor and stay away from me!" Jackson tried to fight the tears setting in, "But you prom--" "FORGET THE PROMISE JACKSON I DON'T EVEN FUCKING LIKE YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Mark stormed off the rooftop, leaving Jackson alone, and despite his tough exterior, there was nothing he could do to stop the tears from flowing down his face. The one he loved left him broken.


Tsk tsk tsk, Mark. What an idiot. I know y'all prob hate dumb Mark. Hopefully, he can redeem himself. This scene was pretty fun to write because of the dialogue. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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