Chapter 19: Mixed Signals

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Jackson POV

Since that day, probably about a week ago, Mark has been avoiding me. He never wants to be seen with me, he keeps canceling our tutoring sessions, ignores me when I want to talk, says he's busy when I want to hang out and won't even return my texts anymore. He's like a completely different person. It completely ate me up. I wondered if I did anything wrong. The thought of Mark leaving me ate me up constantly, so I asked Bambam to meet me for coffee and for some advice.

"Bambam I have no idea what to do. It's like somebody flicked a switch in that head of his. He keeps ignoring me, ignoring my texts, canceling our tutoring sessions. He won't even acknowledge me at school. I don't know why? Did I do something wrong?" Bambam pondered, looking at the ceiling. "I don't know Jackson maybe you're giving him mixed signals?" I look at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" "Have you told him that you like him?" "No of course not." "That's the problem, Jackson. The skinship between you two, the way you always know how the other is feeling, the way you text, how often you're's not like normal best friends. Maybe Mark knows there's something more but you haven't admitted it to him. He's getting mixed signals from you about the relationship so he's probably mad and pushing you away." After thinking about Bambam's words I realized he's probably right. "I didn't think of it that way." "Exactly, I know the two of you feel the chemistry. You're probably just confusing Mark because you haven't been straight up with him. So you should probably try and talk to him about it. It'll clear everything up and probably make things better." I nodded. Bambam was right. Mark deserves to know the truth and how I really feel. Plus, I think it's time for me to come clean and get my feelings off my chest.

Yugyeom entered the coffee shop. "Bammie ready to go shopping?" Bambam turned to his boyfriend nodding. "Hey, Jackson." I wave to Bambam's boyfriend with a warm smile. "Yeah let's go. Remember Jackson, be straight up with him." I nod in agreement and think about what to say to Mark as the couple leaves the shop. Maybe Mark and I would end up like the two of them. At least, I hope. After sitting deep in thought for another 20 minutes, trying to think about what to say to Mark, I pull out my phone and start texting. Hopefully, he'll respond.

To: Mark

Jackson: Mark meet me on the rooftop at school tomorrow during lunch. It's crucial.

I wait and wait for my phone to go off, continuously checking to see if Mark responded. Seconds turn to minutes. Minutes to an hour. After one hour later just before I leave the coffee shop I check my texts one more time.


The jerk left me on read...just like he's been doing. Except this time he better show up and meet with me. My feelings are no joke.


Poor Jackson y'all...if only he knew the truth :( Sorry this chapter was so ehh. I tried as best as I could lol

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