Chapter 9: Markson Bonds

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3rd Person POV

Mark realized that he had his last class with Jackson. Of course, Jackson sat right next to Mark upon realizing they were together. "Mark!" "Hey, Jackson." "Since we have class together at least you won't get in trouble for texting," Jackson teased. "Shut up," Mark said with a smile punching Jackson's arm.

During the entire class, Jackson stared affectionately at Mark. Of course, Mark didn't notice, but Jackson didn't seem to care. He was just happy they had a class together. Mark was forced to spend time with him that way. The professor continued to lecture when Mark suddenly felt a tap on his arm. He turned to face Jackson. "Wanna go out after school? I'll show you what's around here." Mark nodded. He wanted to continue exploring Korea, and what was around.

After school, the two headed to the mall so Jackson could show Mark all the major stores. Jackson and Mark then stopped for some coffee, learning they had the same coffee tastes. The two boys lastly stopped at a music store. The two of them bonded together over albums and different instruments. Both of them loved the same genres of music. They seemed to be more similar than they had originally thought. Jackson then laid eyes on a large piano, brand-new in the corner of the store. He walked over to it and asked the employee if he could play it. After receiving approval Jackson began to play the piano. The sound of the piano filled the store and a crowd began to form around Jackson, watching him skillfully play.

Mark watched as Jackson passionately played the piano and was encapsulated by how good he was. Mark didn't even realize but he was staring at Jackson. The way he played so effortlessly, he was so talented. Mark wasn't able to take his eyes off of the younger and seeing him play lit up an unexplainable feeling in Mark's gut. "You're so interesting," he thought. Jackson looked up from playing, making eye contact with Mark, causing the older to suddenly turn away, embarrassed because of his staring.

Upon finishing the song the audience clapped. Jackson walked straight over to Mark."Did you like it?" "You're really talented. I didn't know you could play that well," Mark replied. He couldn't believe this was the guy he met through an accidental text. Jackson grabbed Mark's hand causing the elder to blush a little. "There's a lot you don't know about me. Now let's get out of here." Mark nodded and they headed home.

To: Mark

Jackson: I had fun today. Thanks for coming out with me.

Mark: I had fun too. Thanks for inviting me out.

Jackson: Let's do it again sometime okay?

Mark: Definitely

Jackson: Mark I'm glad we finally met.

Mark: Me too


And the Markson train has left the station y'all. Stay tuned for the rollercoaster/hot mess that, yours truly wrote, and will subsequently ensue in following chapters.

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